All Agenda Business done by Email this Month
Hello all! As COVID case numbers have started to rise again on the Island, this meeting will be held virtually only.
Please send any comments on the Agenda or reports by email through the AVTT List/GoolgeGroup or at
The email-based meeting will be Open for input from Wednesday through Sunday.
Please join us for a Zoom get together on Wednesday 6PM
Even though our meeting business will be done by email, we have asked Char to still host us virtually for a get together and chat at our normal time from 6PM to 8PM.
Please feel welcome to attend there.
Click Here to go to the Zoom Meeting.
You can find more Zoom details and other events at Char’s
Time: November 18 – 6:00pm Pacific Time.
AVTT November 18, 2020 – Agenda By Email
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes
- October Meeting 21
- Special Board Meeting
- Unfinished Business and Current Topics
- Upcoming Events
- Reports and Sub-Groups
- Ad-hoc Strategic Planning
- Education and Networking
- Food Group / Food Hub
- Cycle Alberni
- Housing
- Watershed Protection
- Other Groups and Reports
- Finances
- Current State of Accounts, Grants and Contracts
- New Business and Other Fun Stuff!
- Next Meeting – Suggersted: Nov 19, 2020 – 6PM Char’s and Zoom
Alberni Valley Transition Town Society
Meeting – October 21, 2020 – at Char’s Landing and by Zoom MINUTES
Alberni Valley Transition Town Society
Monthly Meeting – October 21, 2020 – at Char’s Landing and via Zoom
Present: Chris Alemany, Rob Powelson, Dan Schubart, John Mayba, Marlie Banroy, Mike Youds, Anna Lewis, Edna Cox
Chris opened the meeting at 6 p.m. with a welcome and introductions.
1. Dan moved, Rob seconded approval of the agenda as circulated. Carried.
2. Dan moved, Charlene seconded approval of the minutes of the previous meeting. Carried.
3. Unfinished Business and Current Topics
Charitable Status Discussion – Dan will host a meeting of the board to go over the criteria and application checklist to determine if an application is appropriate and desired.
Food Rx Program –Anna described the program funded by a grant of $35,238.10 from the McConnell Foundation. A cheque for $30,000 was received on October 2nd, with the remaining $5,238.10 to be paid after the completion of the program and the submission of a final report.
The final box delivery will be made on December 1st.
A shortfall of funds in hand is expected ($2,904). Chris moved, John seconded that Edna call Analisa Blake, Island Health’s Project Lead for the Food Hubs, to ask if AV Food Hub funds, provided under the contract with Island Health, could lend $2,904 to the Food Rx Program until the final grant payment is made. Carried.
Anna estimated that the final payment might not be received until February 1st. Edna will ask the Food Hub Committee members for their support of the motion. Anna will report on her meeting October 22nd with the McConnell Foundation.
Directors’ Insurance – Chris is researching options with local insurers.
Quay to Quay Path – Dan will look into the specifics of what is planned and draft a letter to the Mayor and Council about including active transportation in the deisgn process.
He will circulate the letter for edits.
4. Upcoming Events – none
5. Reports and Sub-groups
— Ad Hoc and Strategic Planning – no report
— Education and Networking – Dan has many films waiting in hibernation for the time being. Please pass on suggestions for speakers, forums, etc.
— Food Group/Food Hub — Minutes of October 14th were circulated earlier.
— Cycle Alberni – Bike To Work Week was different this year: 53 riders registered, 34 prizes given, 160 trips and 2294 kilometres cycled. Chris attended the BTW board meeting earlier and reported that a winter/February event is planned.
Housing – no report
— Watershed Protection – no report. The Watershed-Forest Alliance’s website is being updated and WFA may join the VI Water Watch Coalition in place of SOVA whose finances are being wound up.
6. Finances — Rob reported these balances:
Aggregate $31,661.37
AVTTS $3046.81
Food Hub $27,051.29
(includes Food Atlas and Food Rx funds)
Grow Local $3,529.81
Food Hub Education $496.59
Gleaning $1,700.44
Cycle Alberni $2,489.18
Shaun Loney $2,668.88
New Business – Thanks were expressed to Rob for his stellar work as Treasurer. – John has questions about the inefficiencies in hauling recyclables from the valley to Nanaimo. Could paper/cardboard be baled here, for example?
8. Next Meeting – November 19, 2020 – 6p.m.
9. Adjournment – All business concluded, the meeting was adjourned at 7 p.m.
Alberni Valley Transition Town Society Special Board Meeting
October 27, 2020 MINUTES
Present: Chris Alemany, Edna Cox, Rob Powelson, Dan Schubart
Chris opened the meeting at 12 p.m.
1. Food Rx Budget
Chris moved, Dan seconded that AVTTS lend up to $4000 from Food Hub funds to the Food Rx program, to be repaid as soon as full payment is received from the McConnell Foundation grant. Carried.
2. Purchasing Policy
Rob moved, Dan seconded the adoption of the new Purchasing Policy as
circulated. Carried. AVTTS will be the sole purchasing agent. Invoices must be sent directly to the Treasurer for payment. Carried.
3. Credit Card
A credit card for emergency use only would be helpful. Because, under its current by-laws, AVTTS is not allowed to borrow money , a change to the by-law will be re-visited at the 2021 Annual General Meeting.
4. Charitable Status
Further discussion on seeking charitable status will resume when the Covid-19 pandemic has passed.
5. Directors’Insurance:
Chris is continuing to research options.
6. The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 p.m.