We’re a brand new volunteer group of folks that formed in Spring 2021 to help reduce the use of, and help clean up, single use plastics in and around Port Alberni! Bookmark this webpage, go to the Facebook group or send an email to oceanfriendlypa@gmail.com for the latest!
Please, share this page with all your friends!
The next event will probably be in September or October. Stay tuned!
Go Here for Tips, Locations, Tides, Data Sheets, and other info.
AUGUST 7 Plastic Cleanup Day! A LITTLE WINDY!
We had a great turnout of people and managed to pickup more than 100kg of plastic and other garbage! Thank you to everyone who came out to help, we had a blast, and even got blasted by the wind!

Volunteers get out on the land and water to pick up waste all around the Alberni Harbour! It was a blast!

Thank you to Twin City Brewing for the prize donations and Nicklin Waste disposal for helping properly dispose of everything!
Businesses! Want help reducing plastic?
We have access to resources that might help you make the switch to non-plastic products in a cost-effective and efficient way!
Please get in touch at oceanfriendlypa@gmail.com for more information!
Working Together to end Plastic Waste
We are a partnership of the Alberni Aquarium, Surfrider Canada, and Alberni Valley Transition Town Society!
If you’d like to join our efforts, please do get in touch through the FB group or email, or just show up at one of the events, we always need more help! :+)
Ocean Friendly PA Report for May 17:
Monday, June 5 the OFPA volunteers were honoured to engage in another successful cleanup event with the students and staff of Haahuupayak School. A lesson on safety protocols, the effects of plastics in our waterways, the connections between our actions and salmon, and bear aware education were focused on.
Working in small groups of 3-4 students per OFPA volunteer, we covered the school grounds and trekked down to the adjoining creek, collecting interesting debris, followed by our sorting activity which will once again add to the database on plastics in our ocean.
This event was hosted by Ms. Tammi Greenwood’s class of Grade 4/5 students. We were grateful to hear some Indigenous language spoken by the students and impressed by their enthusiasm and engagement during all activities. Ms. Greenwood has suggested an exciting possibility for the fall of including some of us in a cultural event for our own learning of Indigenous ways!
Our followup meeting at Riverbend Cafe indicated a need to refine our sorting process.
Our volunteers for this event included: Amber Stroeder, Bonnie Ruttan, Anna Lewis, Dave and Gail Morton.