Tag Archives: Meeting

AVTTS 2024 Annual General Meeting and Regular Meeting – November 20 – 6PM – Char’s Landing

November 20, 2023


AVTTS 2024 AGM Tentative Agenda

  1. Greetings, Introductions
  2. Territorial Acknowledgement
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. Approve Previous Minutes (Below)
  5. Unfinished Business from Previous AGM
  6. Receive President’s 2024 Report
  7. Receive Treasurer’s 2024 Report
  8. Other Director and/or Group Reports
  9. Receive Nominations of Directors (minimum 3)
    • Confirm Addresses of New Directors
    • Elect Chair if President or Vice President not selected or present. Quorum is 3 member minimum.
    • Nominations of Directors is Open (minimum 3)
  10. Assign Executive Positions
    (By Election if Necessary – Secret Ballot if requested)
    • President
    • Vice President
    • Treasurer
    • Secretary
    • Remaining Directors are Director At Large

Regular Meeting Agenda
(occurring directly after the AGM)

  1. Greetings
  2. Territorial Acknowledgement
  3. Previous Minutes (Below)
  4. Business from last month:
  5. New business and Upcoming Events
  6. Group Reports (if not already covered)
    • Main AVTTS
    • Ocean Friendly PA
    • Cycle Alberni
    • OCP Port Alberni
    • Dry Creek Restoration – Free Owatchet
  7. Financials
    See Treasurer’s report in AGM
  8. Other Business
  9. Adjourn

Minutes – To be Provided

President’s Report

Dear Members,

This year featured a lot of change in our little group of do-gooders and in how we did things. I think this has been one of our best years ever.

From the extremely successful speaker series held through the year, to the ongoing success of Cycle Alberni, new partnerships with the Alberni Nature Club on cleanups, and our most recent ability to create the only public event in Port Alberni where voters could speak to at least one their candidates… we’ve done really really well.

Thank you.

We have also changed how we meet as a group and I think that has also brought improvements. At the very least, it has shaken up things a little after the pandemic seemed to make us lose our way.

I want to thank Mike Youds especially for his excellence in leading all of the events this year and for taking on leadership roles in AVTT in the process.

We have a really amazing core group right now. Jim, Leo, John, Theresa, Kim, Gail, Des, Dave, Dani, Sandy. All of you, well expect John! are relatively new in the 15 years of AVTT. Or at least new in these roles of pushing AVTT forward to new places. I am very grateful that you are here.

I also want to thank Char. She puts up with our idiosyncratic ways and seat-of-our-pants organization and always provides a space that is ready for anything we need to do. Char, you are the very best.

As most of you already know, this is my final report as President. I’ve tried this year to step back and let others take the lead while attempting to provide support when needed.

But I would be remiss if I did not also mention that two other long time members are also stepping way.

Our Treasurer, Rob Powelson, has done an excellent job over the past 7 years always making sure we had the money to do what we needed to do and making it very clear when we didn’t! He was also instrumental in pushing for the independence of the AV Food Security Society, something I have to say I was not in favour of at the time!

But I see now, with their success that they have had over the past few years, that it was the right decision. And it is a model we could encourage for other groups that start in AVTT to be nurtured, grow, and be successful as independent organizations on their own.

Thank you Rob for all that you have done for this Society. For your advocacy. And for your guidance and leadership.

The other person retiring from the Board this year is Dan Schubart. Dan has been here since the beginning, and as he is my step-father, that means a little more to me than just the past decade at AVTT.

This organization would not be what it is without Dan’s wisdom, support and guidance to me and to the whole Society. The meetings will be lesser without Dan’s quiet presence and important interjections. Dan has a commitment to our world and to the betterment of the human condition that I am still trying to live up to myself.

Thank you Dan, for all the interesting and thought-provoking videos you brought to us, but especially for your commitment to the Transition Town model, and for being you.

As for me, well.

Transition Towns has provided opportunities for growth to me that I never imagined when I was on the Climate Change Committee with John Mayba and Robert Gunn all those years ago, and went to Victoria for Transition Town training with Guy Cicon and Pat Deakin in 2007.

It also, after my rather tumultuous time on City Council, provided another place to come home to and feel I could still make a difference.

I won’t disappear. I will still happily be around as Past President to provide support as it is needed, and I still want to Free Owatchet, but it is past time for me to go from the Board, and for Alberni Valley Transition Town Society to evolve.

I believe we have a group of people here who will be able to provide strong leadership and continue to help our community transition to a low carbon, sustainable future in all the ways that that is needed for our community.

Thank you so much for the opportunity you all have given me to lead this Society. It has been a pleasure.


What is AV Transition Town – Model

For an explanation, see the webpage: https://www.avtransitiontown.org/what-is-alberni-valley-transition-town-how-does-it-work/

Other Attachments — Constitution and Bylaws


Public Forum on Planning, January 17. 2024

Link to AV News Write up, January 31. 2024


Update: Weather has made our venue unavailable. Check back here for updates, likely a reschedule for January 24…

Beaver Ponds and construction site as centres for discussion on development of two important sites in Port Alberni

Developments being proposed in two significant areas of our community have been chafing at the hearts and minds of many during the past year.  It has been suggested that developments of the Somass Lands and Upper Burde Street could change the basic character of our community.

In an effort to allow the public to gather information and be involved in a moderated discussion of these issues, Alberni Valley Transion Town Society is hosting Port Alberni 2024-2044, a panel presentation and discussion evening at 7:00 PM January 27 at Char’s Landing, 4815 Argyle.

The panel, which will be moderated by Anna Lewis will include City Councillor Dustin Dame, Alberni Nature Club president Sandy McCruer, Tseshaht elected Chief Ken Watts and Chamber of Commerce president Terry Deakin. Attempts are still being made to include someone representing developers.

Turn out at Char’s Landing, 4815 Argyle Street in Port Alberni

Transition Town Special General Meeting at 6:00PM

Forum starts at 7:00PM

Special General Meeting Agenda

  1. Greetings, Introductions
  2. Territorial Acknowledgement
  3. Approval of Special General Meeting Agenda
    • Quorum is any number of Members.
  4. Approve Previous Minutes (November AGM)
  5. Unfinished Business from AGM
  6. Next Meetings (Note Change in Format)
    • Next *Regular Meeting* 6PM Short Agenda + 7PM (Event?) February 21
    • Next *Board Directors* Meeting – At Request/As Issues Arise
  7. General Discussion (After the Meeting Adjourns?)
    • Communication Platforms — Best Ways to Organize!
    • Email? GoogleGroup? Facebook? Messages? Phone?
  8. Adjourn

Constitution and Bylaw Changes Proposed:

  1. First Paragraph: Housekeeping to refer to “Model Bylaws”
  2. UNDRIP declaration moved to Constitution.
  3. Removal Point 1 and 2 referencing methods of ending Membership 
  4. Modify “Termination of membership” Section 2.6
  5. Remove Point 3 on A Quorum of Members
  6. Modify Quorum of General Meetings to remove 10% voting members from Model Bylaws – Quorum at General Meetings is 3 Voting Members
  7. Remove Point 4 “Members present must choose”. Redundant.
  8. Add Section 4.5 Term of Office of Directors
  9. Remove Point 5 on Borrowing
  10. Add Part 8 — Borrowing

January Financials

Aggregate:  $5,085.94

AVTTS:  $692.43

Cycle Alberni: $2,653.46

Alberni Climate Action:  $1,740.05

November minutes (such as they are, unedited and unexpurgated)

AVTTS Minutes 2023 11 15

Present For Meeting At Char’s Landing:

Leo King, Val Baggeley, Chris Alemany, Michael Youds, Ian Thomas, Jim Wright, Judy Carlson,, Robert Powelson, John Mayba, Dan Schubart, Robert Gunn, Kim Bothan


Elect Chair if President or Vice President not selected or present.

Quorum is 3 member minimum.

Nominations of Directors is Open (minimum 3)

AGM Agenda

  1. Greetings, Introductions
  2. Territorial Acknowledgement
  3. Approval of Agenda
  4. m//s Dan/Rob approve
  5. Approve Previous Minutes (Below)
  6. Unfinished Business from Previous AGM
  7. Receive President’s 2023 Report m/s Dan/John
  8. Receive Treasurer’s 2023 Report m/s Dan/ Jim W.
  9. Other Director and/or Group Reports. John Go By Bike (see below) Ian/Jim W.
  10. Receive Nominations of Directors (minimum 3)
    • Confirm Addresses of New Directors
  11. Assign Executive Positions 
  12. (By Election if Necessary – Secret Ballot if requested)
    • President Chris
    • Vice President Leo
    • Treasurer Rob
    • Secretary. Dan
    • Remaining Directors are Director At Large Mike, Jim, John,Gail

Discussion of restructuring meetings (action and education meetings)

  1. Constitutional and Bylaw Changes
    • Notice of Proposed Special Resolution (2/3 Vote) for January General Meeting


Regular Meeting Agenda

  1. Greetings
  2. Territorial Acknowledgement
  3. Previous Minutes (Below)
  4. Business from last month:
  5. New business and Upcoming Events
    • Proposed Change in Meeting Format — Jim
    • What is AV Transition Town – See the Model Diagram
    • Alberni Climate Action
    • Future Meeting Times
  6. Group Reports
    • Education/Main AVTTS
    • Ocean Friendly PA
    • Cycle Alberni
    • OCP Port Alberni
    • Dry Creek Restoration
    • Alberni Climate Action
  7. Financials
  8. (presented during AGM)
  9. Aggregate:  $4,923.69
  10. AVTTS: $530.18
  11. Cycle Alberni:  $2,653.46
  12. Alberni Climate Action:  $1,740.05
  13. Other Business
    • No December Meeting
    • Next Meeting – As Determined
  14. Adjourn  Regular meeting adjourned.

Special General Meeting Agenda

Minutes of SGM 2024 01 24

  1. Greetings, Introductions

Done. Present Mike Youds, Kim Bothen, Rob Powelson, John Mayba, Dan Schubart

  1. Territorial Acknowledgement


  1. Approval of Special General Meeting Agenda

Quorum met, M/S Dan, Rob  unanimous acceptance of agenda

  1. Approve Previous Minutes (November AGM)

M/S Dan, John  Previous minutes approved unanimously

  1. Unfinished Business from AGM

M/S Dan, Rob unanimous approval of Constitutional and Bylaw Changes

  1. Next Meetings (Note Change in Format)
    • Next *Regular Meeting* 6PM Short Agenda + 7PM (Event?) February 21
    • Next *Board Directors* Meeting – At Request/As Issues Arise
  2. General Discussion (After the Meeting Adjourns?)
    • Communication Platforms — Best Ways to Organize!
    • Email? GoogleGroup? Facebook? Messages? Phone?
  3. Adjourn

No discussion on next meeting. Board meeting TBA, no discussion on ComsPlatforms due to Leo’s absence. Meeting adjourned at 6:20