We will again be hosted in-person at Char’s Landing, properly socially distanced and masks are welcome. Char will also be showing the meeting live and interactive on Zoom! So it is the best of both worlds!
Click Here to go to the Zoom Meeting.
You can find more Zoom details and other events at Char’s Landing.com
Time: 6:00pm Pacific Time.
Movie at 7PM – TBA
AVTT September 16, 2020, 6PM – Agenda
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes
- Unfinished Business and Current Topics
- Charity Status Discussion
- Virtual Fair
- Upcoming Events
- Reports and Sub-Groups
- Ad-hoc Strategic Planning
- Education and Networking
- Food Group / Food Hub
- Cycle Alberni
- Housing
- Watershed Protection
- Other Groups and Reports
- Finances
- Current State of Accounts, Grants and Contracts
- New Business and Other Fun Stuff!
NOTE – Next Meeting – October 21, 2020 – 6PM Char’s and Zoom
Alberni Valley Transition Town Society
Meeting – August 19, 2020 – at Char’s Landing and by Zoom MINUTES
Present: Chris Alemany, Rob Powelson, Dan Schubart (at Char’s) Edna Cox, Ian Thomas (by zoom)
1. Approval of the agenda: Dan moved; Rob seconded. Carried.
2. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting: Dan moved; Rob seconded. Carried.
3. Unfinished Business and Current Topics
a) Charitable Status discussion
Rob: The four categories under which appilcations for federal charitable status may be submitted are relief of poverty; advancement of education; religious purpose; benefit to the community. The fourth fits with AVTTS’ focus.
Dan: A successful application would depend upon how the terms of reference are framed.
Meg: We need to weigh the advantiages/gains versus the work involved.
Chris: Charitable status could widen our ability to seek donations, be a way to diversify our work, and increase our accountability.
Dan: Housing and energy initiatives, for example, could benefit by broadening the pool of available funds and possible projects.
Chris will contact other Transition Towns to see if any have applied for charitable status. Rob will look further into the application process.
- Upcoming Events: None.
- Reports and Sub-groups
a) Strategic Planning: An application for chartitable status is being considered.
b) Education and Networking: There are films in the queue. Dan will post links on the AVTTS
c) Food Hub/Food Group:
A part-time summer worker will be hired for 12 weeks, 30 hours/week, to look after the food boxes for those leaving hospital and to assist with gleaning, the ACRD’ apple pressing event (Oct. 11), and other Food Hub tasks. Deadline for applications is August 28. Rates for using the new Food Hub and Innovation Centre have been posted by the Port Authority.
Re-assessment and negotiation for non-profit groups is possible. Rates will be likely be tested in practice. The official launch of the Centre has not yet happened.
Gleaning is busy with 15 of 26 requests have been completed so far. 26 volunteers had picked 2,976 lbs of fruit by August 18 , with donations made to The Bread of Life/Salvation Army,
ACAWS, the Friendship Centre, NTC Children and Youth, and the Hupacasath House of Gathering. Rob will post photos on the AVTTS website. Rob was commended for his commitment and improvisation.
Next meeting of Food Hub Committee: Sunday, August 23 at 1 p.m. in Rogers Creek Park.
d) Cycle Alberni
Chris reported on the province-wide Go By Bike conversation August 18.
Smaller communities are hosting virtual events only. As the Ministry of Transportation oversees funding , GBB must always promote cycling as transportation/commuting first. The realities of the pandemic may bring more emphais on the recreational, health and de-stressing benefits of cycling. Ian will resarch progress on the bikes for E.J. Dunn School and report at the next meeting.
e) Watersheds: Edna will send information about the September 12th meeting of Vancouver Island Water Watch Coalition and about the Save Our Watersheds initiative.
6. Finances: General $ 12,580.96 AVTTS $ 3,122.31 Food Hub $ 9,471.86 Gleaning $ 1,415.16 Food Group Education $ 496.59 Cycle Alberni $ 5,335.96 Grow Local $ 3,883.01
7. New Business: None.
Adjournment: Dan moved that the meeting be adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
Next meeting: September 16, 2020 – 6 p.m.