Tag Archives: June

AVTT August 2020 MONTHLY MEETING – At Char’s and Online – 6PM – August 19

We will again be hosted in-person at Char’s Landing, properly socially distanced and masks are welcome. Char will also be showing the meeting live and interactive on Zoom! So it is the best of both worlds!

Click Here to go to the Zoom Meeting.
You can find more Zoom details and other events at Char’s Landing.com

Time: 6:00pm Pacific Time.

Movie at 7PM – TBA

AVTT August 19, 2020, 6PM – Agenda

  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Unfinished Business and Current Topics
    • Charity Status Discussion
  4. Upcoming Events
  5. Reports and Sub-Groups
    • Ad-hoc Strategic Planning
    • Education and Networking
    • Food Group / Food Hub
    • Cycle Alberni
    • Housing
    • Watershed Protection
    • Other Groups and Reports
  6. Finances
    • Current State of Accounts, Grants and Contracts
  7. New Business and Other Fun Stuff!

    NOTE – Next Meeting – September 16, 2020 – 6PM Char’s and Zoom

AVTT June 17, 2020, 6PM – Minutes

In attendance: In Person – Rob, Dan, Chris, via Zoom: Susan from Sooke – John Mayba from Port Alberni.
• Approval of Agenda – Dan/Rob
• Approval of Minutes – sDan/Rob
• Unfinished Business and Current Topics
• Abbatoirs approved! Rob indicated that farmers themselves can do slaughtering. There is potential that butchering can be done for other local farmers. As long as slaughter training is taken. Dan mentioned that the mobile an a Tori on salts spring didn’t work out as well, Rob mentions it had a large upfront. 
• More Memberships Received!
• Upcoming Events
• Reports and Sub-Groups
• Ad-hoc Strategic Planning – None
• Education and Networking – Dan mentioned he will be posting links after the link. 
• Food Group / Food Hub – Rob mentions the terrestrial portion of local Ag is still up in the air for the PAPA food hub by city and ACRD. Gleaning website is under the process of being updated (Rob and Chris).  City waiting for response from bc hydro on garden plot under Wallace power lines. Grow local – continuing to show tutorials on Shaw cable and will be on YouTube soon as well as Facebook pages.
• Cycle Alberni – John – mentions go by bike funding for fall. Chris related that GoByBike is moving forward with fall events and will distribute funding. John mentions bike friendly communities in province of Ontario. John and Port Alberni planning dept will be working on application for grant. Application deadline is July 3. Dan mentions recent publicity in Tyee about Gord Johns getting a Liberal government sponsored for National Cycling Strategy. Bike Fix it station at McLean mill
• Housing – None
• Watershed Protection – None
• Other Groups and Reports – None
• Finances
• Current State of Accounts, Grants and Contracts
• Rob got into credit union
• Agh 13,940.45
• AVTTS 3199.57
• Food hub 1971.86 1800 to food map
• Grow local 3883.01
• Food 496.59
• 2765.72
• 5334.96
• 2668.88
• If anyone interested in donating to buying bikes to Dunn. Folks can get tax receipts from SD 70.

• New Business and Other Fun Stuff! – John mentions Story of Plastics – Free license for virtual showing – anyone can watch until July 10 – must have zoom call to discuss on July 10. John will send out info as soon as he gets it licensed. John will set up a Zoom meeting and Sooke and hopefully other Transitions will also be invities to join in. Chris will contact nanaimo Transition. Green New Deal – see email on the list about pushing for green new deal by 350.org. Go to 350.org for submissions. John will send updated form to chris to email list.
• ADJOURN Dan – 
• NOTE – Next Meeting – August 19, 2020 – 6PM Char’s and Zoom

AVTT June 2020 MONTHLY MEETING – At Char’s and Online – 6PM – June 17

We’re back in both worlds

We will again be hosted in-person at Char’s Landing, properly socially distanced and masks are welcome. Char will also be showing the meeting live and interactive on Zoom! So it is the best of both worlds!

Click Here to go to the Zoom Meeting.
You can find more Zoom details and other events at Char’s Landing.com

Time: 6:00pm Pacific Time.

Movie at 7PM – TBA

AVTT June 17, 2020, 6PM – Agenda

  1. Approval of Agenda
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Unfinished Business and Current Topics
    • Abbatoirs approved!
    • Memberships Received!
  4. Upcoming Events
  5. Reports and Sub-Groups
    • Ad-hoc Strategic Planning
    • Education and Networking
    • Food Group / Food Hub
    • Cycle Alberni
    • Housing
    • Watershed Protection
    • Other Groups and Reports
  6. Finances
    • Current State of Accounts, Grants and Contracts
  7. New Business and Other Fun Stuff!

    NOTE – Next Meeting – August 19, 2020 – 6PM Char’s and Zoom

May 20, 2020 Minutes

Alberni Valley Transition Town Society Monthly Board Meeting – May 20, 2020 – via ZOOM


Present: Chris Alemany, Dan Schubart, Ian Thomas, Edna Cox, Charlene Patterson, Gabby Osborne, Celia Stocker, Jim Wright

Chris opened the meeting at 6:03 p.m.
Approval of the agenda: Dan moved, Ian seconded. Carried.

Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting: Edna moved, Dan seconded. Carried.

Unfinished Business
Grow Local (Edna) – The Garden Starter Pack program was organized by Tanya Shannon, Heather Shobe, Anna Lewis, Lisa Aylard, Candyse Roberts and Edna Cox, financed by donations and sales, and launched at the May 4th opening of Spirit Square Farmers’ Market. Remaining funds will be invested in future Grow Local initiatives. 120 packs were distributed, with a box of seeds and seedlings given to the low-cost housing group. Leftover seeds went to Eat West Coast for their starter pack program, with some kept for Grow Local. Several hundred seed packets were purchased by donation, with proceeds for the Bread of Life and PA Refugee Committee.

Upcoming Events
Cycle Alberni (Ian) – Bicycle counts today and May 23. Bike to Work is on line this spring.

Beginner bike sessions on ZOOM, May 24, 1 – 3 p.m. On line http:/bity.ws.8u09
Ad Hoc/Strategic Planning – no report
Education/Networking (Dan) – There is a long queue pf films ready. Dan has shared links on the

AVTTS Facebook page. “The Planet of the Humans” has been controversial, but includes important hard data on reduced CO2 emissions and the need for large structural change. Twenty- three minutes of the film are shared on the page. Chris was invited to Nanaimo TTS ZOOM meeting. AVTTS could connect with TT in Sooke, West Coast, Sooke, etc.

AV Food Hub/Food Group (Edna) – Next meeting, May 28, 4 p.m., Rogers Creek Park with safe distancing.

Cycle Alberni (Ian, Chris) – The Go By Bike provincial board meets May 21. In place funding will be reserved for the fall.

Housing (Dan) – See www.yotu.be/Mb75pOwjlEU for video of George’s house. Call Dan if you have suggestions for ZOOM forums, etc.

Watersheds (Chris, Ian, Edna) – Chris and a colleague hiked near Cathedral Grove and posted photos on Twitter and to BC Minister of Transport. Chris was called by West Coast Environmental (UVIC) re one of its current projects. Edna will share related information from the Vancouver Island Water Watch Coalition. The ACRD is about to release its report on the Somass Basin watershed. Ian advised that we become more aware of our own watershed and acknowledge that at our meetings.

From the Treasurer, Rob Powelson, current balances are:

Aggregate $9,561.45

AVTTS $ 2,177.32 ($1000 to Grow Local – will be reimbursed)

Food Hub $ 1,971.86 ($1000 Food Atlas)

Grow Local $ 3,076.26

Food Hub Education $ 496.59

Gleaning $ 2,765.72

Cycle Alberni $ 2785.96

Shaun Loney $ 2,668.88

AVTTS Memberships – Annual 2020 memberships may be purchased or renewed via Pay Pal at AVVTS Facebook or by cheque sent to Chris Alemany, 3854 – 6th Avenue, PA, V9Y 4M2.

Dan moved that the meeting be adjourned at 6:40 p.m. Carried.

Minutes of Food Hub Committee

Alberni Valley Food Hub Committee Meeting – June 10, 2020 — 4 p.m. 5115 Gordon Avenue


Present – Meagan Curtis (chair), Janis Nairne, Candyse Roberts, Rob Powelson, Edna Cox, Amira Strain, Helene Dufour, Kaley Ruel

Regrets – John Mayba

Schools – Lunch programs stepped back because schools have been in emergency mode, but are now back in session. The Breakfast Program has been filling gaps. Helene and Kaley will meet with Parks & Rec next week to discuss how P&R could help during the summer. Helene will share provincial pandemic-safety guidelines re children’s programs.

Food Atlas – Helene will send lunch program information to Meagan and will foward the latest ACHN list of agencies. Helene advised that we use this list for Food Atlas input. Meagan will email agencies about this, assuming their consent if there is no response by a deadline.

Agricultural Development Committe – An announcement re slaughtering is expected this week. Gleaning – The website is not yet live. Emails of interest have been received.

Rob introduced Amira Strain, AV Coordinator, Wildsafe BC, who spoke to the ACRD and City today. The Wildsafe BC Facebook will be linked to the AVTTS website.
The healthy foods newsletter which Kaley sents directly to parents could include information about gleaning and the Wildsafe Rangers program for K to 12.

Amira will ask farmers about taking windfalls for their animals.
Coastal Food Policy webinars – Meagan will send her notes. West Coast food security is dependent upon imports. Alberni Valley needs to become a bread basket for them.

Grow Local – Candyse will be reimbursed at $20/hour for her current Grow Local work. Her Shaw Spotlights are being shared on AVTTS and AVGP Facebook pages.

Federal Rx – Ten $50,000 grants are offered to health organizations for nutrition and food security and, unusually, can be spent on food. Partners are welcome; Meagan will assist with an application, the focus to be on supporting vulnerable people on discharge from hospital.

Suggestions include good food boxes, Farmers’ Market coupons, patient checklist, a resource package. A meeting with West Coast General Hospital dieititans is set for Friday. First Nations Toolkit – How can we support action?

“Path to Recovery” – The ACRD and City plan is now available on line. A community stakeholders th group will convene on June 16 .

Tseshaht First Nation plans more agriculture on their reserve. Meagan, Heather and Anna Lewis talked with Councillor Ken Watts and will tour the 147 acres. Federal infrastructure funding was announced June 9 . Meagan will talk with Heather about applying for a juicer and egg grader.
BC Budget Standing Committee – The Island Health Food Hubs have requested $100,000 for each hub. Meagan will draft a backgrounder for our hub, using Vital Signs and Island Health statistics.

Island Food Hubs will begin to communicate via Slack.
The new Food Processing and Innovation Hub will open in July. See this week’s AV News for details.

Meagan will ask at the ADC meeting about AV Food Hub access to the facility. Community Gardens –The land next to the existing Wallace Street garden is City-owned, but BC Hydro has right-of-way. The City is waiting to hear from them. Finances– The only change from last meeting: Grow Local balance is $3883.01

The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.