Tag Archives: agenda

AVTT MONTHLY MEETING – and Christmas and Finger Food Potluck!

Regular meeting starts at 6PM – Potluck starts at 7PM

(Note this Agenda may change as members communicate additional items before the meeting is started and agenda approved)

AVTT December 18, 2019 – Preliminary Agenda – 6:00PM – Char’s Landing

  1. Acknowledgement of unceded territory – 6:00PM
  2. Greetings and Introductions – 6:05PM
  3. Movie After the Meeting –> POTLUCK! 🙂
  4. Approval of Agenda – 6:10PM
  5. Approval of Minutes – 6:15PM (below)
  6. Unfinished Business and Current Topics
    • Approval of Minutes and Report on Special board meeting on Council Liaison
  7. Upcoming Events – 6:30
    • Seedy Saturday, March 21, 2020
  8. Reports and Sub-Groups – 6:35
    • Education and Networking
    • Food Group / Food Hub
    • Cycle Alberni
    • Housing
    • Watershed Protection
    • Other Groups and Reports
  9. Finances – 6:50
    • Current State of Accounts, Grants and Contracts – Rob
  10. New Business and Other Fun Stuff! –
  11. ADJOURN – 7:00PM

    NOTE – Next Meeting is the AGM – January 15, 2020

Minutes from November Regular Meeting

                                             Alberni Valley Transition Town Society

                                             Board Meeting – November 20, 2019

Present: Chris Alemany, Dan Schubart, Rob Powelson, Edna Cox, Bob Brown, Karl Korven, Mike Youds, Debbie Brummel 

Chris opened the meeting at 6 p.m. and acknowledged with thanks that we meet on the unceded traditional lands of the Tseshaht and Hupacasath peoples. H also thankd Charlene for hosting our meetings. 

Tonight’s movie will be “A Simpler Future”.
Dan moved, Bob seconded approval of the agenda, with the change of the movie’s title. Carried. Dan moved, Rob seconded approval of the minutes of the previous meeting. Carried. 

Unfinished Business and Current Topics 

Community Mapping Project – Rob reported that the project is gathering historical and contemporary data which will be accessible as a map on a touch-screen. Meg is seeking photos for a related exhibit. Rob distributed a one-page handout about the photo call-out. 

Upcoming Events 

Seedy Saturday, March 21, 2020 – AVTTS will be a co-sponsor. A Community Investment grant is in hand. Jen Fisher-Bradley will still be involved. Karl is the volunteer coordinator and is collecting email contacts from those who want to help. 

Christmas Party, December 18 – Let’s celebrate together. Bring finger-food to share. There will be games, music and lots of visiting. All are welcome. Watch the AVTTs website for more information. 

Alberni Farmers Institute AGM, tonight. Meg Curtis is attending. 

Reports and Sub-groups 

Education and Networking – Movie showings will continue. Food Group/Food Hub 

Gleaning – Funds have been donated for a trailer which will arrive soon.
Community Gardens – Meg and Rob met with the City Clerk and Deputy Clerk on November 20 and can expect a response in about a week. They were asked to make a presentation to City Council.

Cycle Alberni – Re the bike valet, which will use the trailer, fencing has arrived; racks are under construction; the first run will likely be on Seedy Saturday.

Housing – This week’s AV News has an article about George Koning‘s passive house. Step-by-step videos are available on youtube. Michelle Frost has built a net-zero house. Presentations to AVTTS will be explored.

The Alberni Low Energy Housing Societyis holding an open house tonight about their proposed housing project on 4th Avenue. 

Watershed Protection – Now that the recommendations of the government’s review of the Private Managed Forest Lands Act have been made public (November 5), Chris will re-engage with MLA Scott Fraser to arrange a meeting. The recommendations can be viewed on line; Chris will send the link. 


Rob presented the report.

Total balance: $13,795.82 

AVTTS $ 8,169.06

Food Group $ 298.95

Grow Local  $ 800.00

Education $ 629.99 

Gleaning $ 3,457.37

Cycle Alberni $ 1,697.60

Shaun Loney $ 2,668.88 

New Business 

Carbon Offsets – A page about carbon assets will be added to the AVTTS website. Groups could ask for funds for their initiatives. Donors may choose how to calculate their carbon offsets. 

Adjournment – Chris moved, Bob seconded that the meeting be adjourned at 7 p.m.

Next Meeting – Wednesday, December 18 – Christmas Party – 6 p.m. 

Special Meeting of the Board to discuss Council Liaison – Minutes

Meeting began at 4:03PM

Sam, Jen, Stephen, Dan, Meg, Rob, Chris

Chris related the background of the Mayor’s request on Nov 27th to appoint a city liaison to AVTTS.

Those present discussed various options and benefits/detriments of having a city appointee either on the board (non voting) or as a regular public attendee.

Send out a invitation to council inviting them to dec 18
Send a report to council on a regular basis on initiatives happening at AVTT.

Adjourn 5:07PM

Letter sent to City Council. (Web link to PDF file)

Alberni Valley Food Hub Committee Minutes

Meeting – December 11, 2019

Present: Rob Powelson (chair), Edna Cox, Meg Curtis, John Mayba Regrets: Janis Nairne

Minutes of the previous meeting, November 13 were revisited:
There has been no more word from the City about the community gardens request.

The Food Security and Climate Disruption Committee has 2014 maps of available (mostly wooded) and unavailable sites. AV Food Hub Committee will ask for a delegation to Council in January. The Coulson Group is still considering a request for use of property at 4th and Mar.

Reviews: – A budget for 2018-2019 funds and Food Atlas funds was sent to Analisa Blake, VIHA. – Remaining funds ($1700) were authorized by AV Community Foundation

for the Food Recovery project.
– Agricultural Development Committee meeting, November 26:

Cannabis law has been postponed.
Meg will meet with Guy Langlois, Shelter Farm. Institutional purchasing is under discussion.

– First meeting of Gleaning Committee, December 8:
Rob, Meg, Cheryl Hillman attended. Rob is acting as coordinator for now and is willing to be the dispatcher. Cheryl will provide social media passwords and keys to equipment storage. The brochure will be updated and a list of pickers gathered.

– “Fish Are Food”, Food Connections Conference, November 28 Edna attended and provided notes about the speakers and workshops. (See separate email.) Erika Goldt, Eat West Coast, wants to meet with AVFHC in January.
– Food Processing and Innovation Hub meeting re terrestrial production, November 22: Edna attended and provided notes. (See separate email message) Meg will take the Food Processing Foodsafe course in the New Year. Breaking News: ICE-T grant ($300,000) has been confirmed. (See Heather’s email, December 12)

– BC Farmers Institutes AGM, November 28: Meg attended. Minister of Agriculture, Lana Popham, spoke.
Meg is now Vice-President of AVFarmers Institute. AVFI will continue to voice concerns about surveillance on ALR land, and about Bills 15 and on 52, the regulations of which are currently being rewritten.

– AVTTS special meeting re City Council liaison, December 7:
Decision: to welcome Councillors to attend AVTTS meetings, but not to sit on the AVTTS board. Chris will write a letter to Council.

Upcoming: – AVTTS meeting and winter party, December 18
– VI Food Hubs Evaluation teleconferencing workshop, January 16 – Tree Pruning Workshop, February 22
– Food Hubs Strategic Planning, March 9

Adjournment: 5:30 p.m. Next Meeting: January 8, 2020 4 p.m. 4727 Pemberton Road


(Note this Agenda may change as members communicate additional items before the meeting is started and agenda approved)

AVTT November 20, 2019 – Preliminary Agenda – 6:00PM – Char’s Landing

  1. Acknowledgement of unceded territory – 6:00PM
  2. Greetings and Introductions – 6:05PM
  3. Movie After the Meeting –> Local Food Webs, Exploring Systems of Distribution (Films For Action series Planet Local )
  4. Approval of Agenda – 6:10PM
  5. Approval of Minutes – 6:15PM (below)
  6. Unfinished Business and Current Topics
    • Community Mapping project – Meg/John
  7. Upcoming Events – 6:30
    • ACRD Transit meeting (happening concurrently at ACRD office! 4-7PM)
    • Seedy Saturday 2020
    • AVTTS Christmas Party, December 18 (regular meeting date)
    • Alberni Valley Farmers Institute AGM Tonight!
  8. Reports and Sub-Groups – 6:35
    • Education and Networking
    • Food Group / Food Hub
      – Gleaning
    • Cycle Alberni
      • Bike lock/valet
    • Housing
    • Watershed Protection – Fraser Response
    • Other Groups and Reports
  9. Finances – 6:50
    • Current State of Accounts, Grants and Contracts – Rob
  10. New Business and Other Fun Stuff! –
    • Carbon Offset Pool
  11. ADJOURN – 7:00PM

Minutes from October

                                             Alberni Valley Transition Town Society

                                             Board Meeting – October 16,  2019  


  1. Acknowledgement of unceded territory – 6:00PM
  2. Greetings and Introductions – 6:05PM
    1. Present:  Chris Alemany, Laura Humphries, Rob Powelson, Dan Schubart,  Hart Haidn
  3. Movie After the Meeting –> Local Food Webs, Exploring Systems of Distribution (Films For Action series Planet Local )
  4. Approval of Agenda – 6:10PM Dan/Rob Passed
  5. Approval of Minutes – 6:15PM (below) Dan/Rob Passed
  6. Unfinished Business and Current Topics
    • Community Mapping project – Meg/John -Rob says it is still in the works and went to the west coast. It’s not an official AVTT project but we remain interested and supportive of Meg as it relates so nicely to the work of the Society, specifically the Food Group.
  7. Upcoming Events – 6:30
    • ACRD Transit meeting (happening concurrently at ACRD office! 4-7PM)
  8. Reports and Sub-Groups – 6:35
    • Education and Networking
    • Dan is working on a number of movies.
    • Climate meeting at City:
    • Climate Damage Adaptation Workshop/Brainstorming 1200 communities are participating in these workshops
    • Hart provided a report that I will attach as minutes
    • Hart was very impressed with what he read and heard from the meeting
    • Hart related his experience in Sustainable development in saskatchewan
    • Hart suggested a educational event in coordination with other communities. How do we bridge the gap between theory and action.
    • Food Group / Food Hub
      – Gleaning – Food Hub Committee Minutes attached
       Will be setting a committee of 5-7 for managing the gleaning. Currently working on grant to replace all equipment and buy a trailer.
    • Cycle Alberni
      Moveable Bike lockup/valet – Filberg festival is the inspiration – $535 plus gst for the panels – The bike lockup would go to various community events, possibly staffed if it was a valet service or not. Group agreed and Rob will pursue.
    • Housing
    • Watershed Protection – Fraser Response
    • Minister of Forests will be releasing a “discussion booklet” on various forestry related concerns including the PFMLA, watershed issues, etc. Waiting for November release before pursuing further.
    • Other Groups and Reports
  9. Finances – 6:50
    1. Current State of Accounts, Grants and Contracts – Rob
  10. New Business and Other Fun Stuff! –
    1. Carbon Offset Pool
      • Rob suggests creating a community fund that people could contribute to through projects of their choosing. Rob will investigate.
      • Rob asked for a letter of support food hub.
      •  Letter authorized and provided at a later date.
  11. ADJOURN – 7:00PM

Food Hub Committee Minutes

Alberni Valley Food Hub Committee Meeting – November 13, 2019 

Present: Rob Powelson (Chair), Edna Cox (Recorder), Meagan Curtis, John Mayba 

Regrets: Janis Nairne 

1. Rob opened the meeting at 4 p.m. 

2. Review of minutes of previous meeting:
The gleaning honorarium has been mailed to Cheryl. The trailer is still in the works. Edna completed the hub evaluation’s follow-up interview by telephone. 

3. Community Gardens
An invitation from the City was received for a meeting with Davina Hartwell,
City Clerk, and Twyla Slonski, Deputy Clerk, to discuss the AV Food Hub’s letter. Rob has gathered a presentation folder, which will also be given to City Council. Rob and Meagan will attend the meeting. 

4. Gleaning Update
The new Gleaning Committee will meet likely early in December. A mandate and an agenda have been prepared. 

5. Cheques
As cheques are costly to reprint, Rob cautioned that if a completed cheque is lost, it will not be replaced. An honorarium of $150 will be given to Cliff Atleo for his presentation at the “Fish Are Food” Conference, November 28. Meagan made the contact. 

6. Seedy Saturday 2020
Is AVTTS going to organize this? The committee will take this question to the next AVVTS meeting. 

7. Financial Report
General: $298.95 Education $629.99 Grow Local $800 Gleaning $3457.37 The remaining $5500 for the 2019-2020 contract has not yet been received. 

8. Budget Review
The budget requested by Island Health is based on income of $5500 for the 2019-2020 contract 

(a $2000 advance has already been spent): $3300 for general expenditures and $2200 for populating and promoting the online Island Hubs’ Food Atlas. 

www.foodatlas.ca www.islandfoodhubs.ca 

9. AV Community Foundation meeting, November 14
Edna will attend to present a proposal for using the remaining funds of the food recovery and redistribution grant. 

10. “Fish Are Food”, annual Food Connections Conference, November 28 Edna will attend. 

11. Spring Workshops
The committee will research possible presenters and workshops in collaboration with Parks & Recreation. 

12. Grants
Rob and John listed potential granting sources: Van City Credit Uniuon, Tree Canada, Vancouver Foundation, Evergreen, Alberni Valley Community Foundation, Real Estate Foundation. 

13. AVTTS Christmas Party, December 18
The committee suggests that the December AVTTS meeting be a festive, fun Christmas party with food, games, music…..and will take this suggestion to the November 20th meeting. 

14. The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m. 

Next Meeting – Wednesday, December 11, 4 p.m., 4727 Pemberton Road