Tag Archives: 2024

Cleanup Dry Creek Sunday April 21

Hi all! 

In celebration of Earth Day we’re going to have a cleanup party/work bee along Dry Creek! 

Last year we had 8 people walking along Ship Creek road and we were able to haul away a very substantial amount of garbage along a large portion of the road (even in the rain!) after only a couple hours. I am sure we can make a big difference for the Salmon Fry we saw swimming in Dry Creek and the area in the ravine and stream.

TIME: 12PM – 3PM SUNDAY APRIL 21 (Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1251648445812060?ref=newsfeed)


CLEANUP PLAN:  Depending on the number of people, resources, and everyone’s abilities/desires we may split into two or more “teams” to tackle different sections of the creek… or we might just all start from a spot and see how far we can go!

There are three general sections: 

  • Upper Dry Creek above 10th Avenue.
  • Dry Creek Park from The Quadrant to 10th.
  • Lower Dry Creek from The Quadrant to the Harbour.


  • Please bring as many very large black or blue plastic bags as you can.
  • Wear good (preferably leather garden) gloves.
  • A long “Grabber” is useful to avoid bending! 
  • Recycling generally is minimal as everything is so dirty but there might be some separation of refundable bottles/cans etc.
  • Wear good hiking shoes or rubber boots, long sleeve shirts and pants. We might be in the creek and/or moving through damp bush! The current forecast is cloudy but relatively dry.
  • A bright vest and/or whistle would be beneficial so we don’t lose anyone!

DISPOSAL PLAN:  We have a Tipping Fee Waiver!

I will be bringing my utility trailer and we can fill it as much as we can. If you have a truck or vehicle capable of taking garbage bags away that’d be great! They need proof of the Waiver at the landfill when we arrive so if we all convoy to the landfill when we are done then we should all be able to take advantage of the same waiver!

I have contacted the City and they’re aware of our plans. I did not make any arrangements with them specifically but if someone thinks we might benefit from more direct support just let me know and I can ask. (chrisale@gmail.com )

Hope to see you there on Sunday!

Happy upcoming Earth Day!



AVTT Event – Climate Change in the Alberni Valley – Char’s Landing Feb 22

Forum starts at 7:00PM – Doors Open at 6:30

(Note: No formal AVTT meeting is planned)

Come Listen and Chat with local Scientist Dave Reid and Campaigner Desiree Wallace.

A talk on climate projections and impacts on local weather, stream flow, drought, ecology, and wildfire.


  • Dave Reid – Hydrologist and Geomorphologist
  • Desiree Wallace – Community Building, Campaigner, Documentary Filmmaker and Artist.

February 11 Meeting on Communication

Here is information/notes for members from the small meeting held on Sunday February 11 at QF.

  • Leo chaired the meeting.
  • Present: Leo K (VP), Jim W (D), Rob G (M), Chris A (P), John M (D), Mike Y (D). Regrets: Dan (S), Rob P (T) Kim B (M)
  • The main topic was methods and modes of communication within AVTT and to the community. The purpose of the existing mailing list(s), the use of Matter Most as an organizing/discussion tool.
  • Leo will be drafting a comms policy for the group based around the mailing list being reserved for general announcements/communication/calls to action to the wider membership and public.
  • It was agreed that discussion/back and forth email on the mailing list can discourage or overwhelm newcomers and lead to people tuning out.
  • A new venue for organizing and discussion of immediate topics online would be found, likely to be the Matter Most app/website that Leo has created. So far this has worked well once folks have figured out the technology. A small workshop/training session for folks to learn how to use Matter Most would be good.
  • Communication, Coordination and support of/with Char is critical and Jim W. continues to be the point-person for making sure she is in the loop for all events with timely posters and information for upcoming gathering. It was also discussed and agreed that AVTT needs to negotiate a new higher rate for Char’s rental in line with her request and steadfast support of AVTT.

February Financials

  • Aggregate: $5170.99
  • AVTTS: $777.48
  • Cycle Alberni: $2653.46
  • Alberni Climate Action: $1740.05