Join us by Zoom 6PM – Wednesday Feb, 17, 2021
Unfortunately current state of COVID is just not good enough for face-to-face meetings.
Please send any comments on the Agenda or reports by email through the AVTT List/GoolgeGroup or at or during the meeting.
Click Here to go to the Zoom Meeting.
You can find more Zoom details and other events at Char’s
Time: February 17 – 6:00pm Pacific Time – Duration <1hr.
AVTT February 17, 2021 – Agenda
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes
- Unfinished Business and Current Topics
- Food Rx Program – Update
- Update on Jolleen – Refillery
- Dry Creek Garden/YPAV
- Carley Gitelman AVFH coordinator access to website
- Upcoming Events
- Reports and Sub-Groups
- Ad-hoc Strategic Planning
- Education and Networking
- Food Group / Food Hub
- Cycle Alberni
- Housing
- Watershed Protection
- Other Groups and Reports
- Finances
- Current State of Accounts, Grants and Contracts
Aggregate: $15,667.28 (+ PayPal funds)
AVTTS: $2,836.06
Food Hub Committee: $11,229.76
Grow Local: $4,516.61
Food Hub Education: $496.59
Gleaning: $1,343.23
Cycle Alberni: $2,785.20
Shaun Loney: $2,668.88
- New Business and Other Fun Stuff!
- AGM Date
- AGM Date
- Next Meeting – Suggersted: Mar 17, 2020 – 6PM (Char’s?) and Zoom
February Minutes / Video
Minutes are upcoming but Char has very kindly created a recording of our last meeting as well. It can be seen here:
Alberni Valley Food Hub Committee Meeting – February 16, 2021 – by Zoom
Present: Janis Nairne (chair), Edna Cox, Helene Dufour, Carley Gitelman, John Mayba, Ian Thomas Regrets: Janette Cormier
Janis opened the meeting at 4:10 p.m.,acknowledging that we meet on the unceded territories of the Tseshaht and Hupacasath peoples.
Edna moved, Ian seconded approval of the agenda with one addition: Opportunity for Shaw videos. Carried.
Carley moved, Edna seconded approval of the minutes of January 12. Carried.
Updates and Reports
- Helene: Family Literarcy Week went very well; the cooking video was a highlight. Alberni Valley Child and Youth Network wants to produce more informational videos for families. Carley, Helene and Candyse will explore this opportunity to include gardening as one of the
- YPAV Community Garden, 4th Avenue – Rob has submitted a formal Expression of Interest
and is in touch with Janette Cormier. Thank you, Rob, for sending the background documents. Carley: As we become familiar with the garden space, we could perhaps plan for a learning centre on site. We could apply next spring for a Co-op Community Spaces Grant (deadline March 1st). - Coordinator’s report
a) Garden Starter Packs – The Beaver Creek Community all fundraiser has enabled the purchase ofmost of the seeds. The $1000 grant from the City has been received. Carley is organizing the seed inventory. Next year it would be good to find greenhouse space so that extra seeds could be started and distributed later as seedlings.b) Farm To School – E.J. Dunn’s application was successful ($2300). Each class will be given seeds, soil, compost, containers and workshops by Candyse. There is another opportunity with
the Family Hub building located on the school site. Helene and Carley will attend the next Family Hub meeting, March 9th to explore synergies.c) AVTTS website – Carley has updated the Food Hub’s information there. Please have a look andsend any additions/feedback to her.
d) Island Hubs meeting – There is funding for the 2021 Food Connections Conference to be held by
Zoom in October or November. Each hub can offer a good news story or host a workshop.
- Nourish Alberni – Carley will continue to work on the online presence, with Corena Brown’s initial help. Edna can assist, as needed, with content.
- Finances (See Rob’s report in an earlier email)
Current balances: Food Hub; Grow Local;FH Education;Gleaning
The final payment from the McConnell Foundation has not yet been received.
6. Committee members are asked to peruse the Island Health annual reporting template, already sent by email, and send to everyone suggestions about content for the 2020-2021 report,
so we can capture all our activities for the report. Carley and one other committee member (to be decided) will work on the draft. Contract ends March 31st.
7. Priorities for 2021-2022 contract year
The discussion brought forward : School gardens; Farm To School
More partnership with Alberni Clayoquot Health Network Deepening relationship with First Nations
Involvement in NTC Family Food Fair
On line presence – Food Atlas and Nourish Alberni
Grow Local
Food Rx expansion?
John moved adjournment at 5:10 p.m.
Next Meeting – March 16, 2021 – by Zoom