(Note this Agenda may change as members communicate additional items before the meeting is started and agenda approved)

AVTT October 16, 2019 – Preliminary Agenda – 6:00PM – Char’s Landing

  1. Acknowledgement of unceded territory – 6:00PM
  2. Greetings and Introductions – 6:05PM
  3. Movie After the Meeting –> Local Food Webs, Exploring Systems of Distribution (Films For Action series Planet Local )
  4. Approval of Agenda – 6:10PM
  5. Approval of Minutes – 6:15PM (below)
  6. Unfinished Business and Current Topics
    • Community Mapping project – Meg/John
  7. Upcoming Events – 6:30
    • ACRD Transit meeting (happening concurrently at ACRD office! 4-7PM)
  8. Reports and Sub-Groups – 6:35
    • Education and Networking
    • Food Group / Food Hub
      – Gleaning
    • Cycle Alberni
      • Bike lock/valet
    • Housing
    • Watershed Protection – Fraser Response
    • Other Groups and Reports
  9. Finances – 6:50
    • Current State of Accounts, Grants and Contracts – Rob
  10. New Business and Other Fun Stuff! –
    • Carbon Offset Pool
  11. ADJOURN – 7:00PM

Minutes from September

                                             Alberni Valley Transition Town Society

                                             Board Meeting – September 18,  2019  


Present:  Chris Alemany, Bob Brown, Edna Cox, Mark Dawson, Minnie Hornidge, Laura Humphries,

               Rob Powelson, Dan Schubart,  Lesley Shams

Chris opened the meeting at 6 p.m., acknowledging that we meet on the unceded territory of the

                Tseshaht and Hupacasath peoples.

1.  Welcome greetings were offered and introductions were made.

2.  Tonight’s film – Bill Moyers’ interview with Wendell Berry

3.  Approval of the agenda was moved by Chris, seconded by Edna. Carried.

4.  Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting, June 19th, was moved by Edna, seconded by Rob.


5.  Unfinished Business

         a)  Fall Fair review – Because of cost, space limitations and paucity of volunteers, we will man

                 only one booth in 2020, in the Agriculture Building, but not the Glenwood Building.

                – Set-up and take-down went well.  Electric power and wifi capability are desired.

                –  We should begin now to collect impactful visual materials which highlight what we

                are trying to accomplish, and createour own portable booth using lattice panels,  

                which could be set up at other venues.

               – Chris will send thanks to Jim Lawson and the volunteers.

         b)  Community Food Mapping – no report

         c)  Telephone numbers for current directors were collected by Chris.

         d)  Directors Insurance application – Chris, Dan and Rob will work on this and bring to the

                 next  meeting.

          e)  Social Planning Council –  No decision re AVTTS’ reply has yet been reached.

7.  Upcoming Events

          a)  Global Climate Strike, September 20 – 27 –  We need to follow the lead of young people.

                Lesley will ask Anne Ostwald if ADSS students have plans whiuch AVTTS can support.

          b)  “Adapting Together: Climate Planning” – public event, September 30,  1– 4 p.m. , City Hall   

                 Committee Room.  To attend, RSVP citypa@portalberni.ca

         c)  City Transit Committee of the Whole –  A  meeting is in the offing, TBA.

                Dan suggested the pursuit of grants for more frequent and smaller buses, better routes .

8.  Reports and Sub-groups

         a)  Education and Networking

              i) Chris will contact Amber Stroder, North Island College, about her Climate Change toolkit

                 produced for another TT.

            ii)  Chris will circulate Sheri Plummer’s request for speakers about climate change.  Sheri

                is with Communities Protecting Our Coast.  See poster at www.beyondclimate.ca

         b)  Food Group –  Minutes of September 16 meeting were circulated on line.

       c)  Cycle Alberni – no report

       d)  Housing – no report

       e) Watershed Protection —  A meeting with Scott Fraser has been requested; no date as yet.

             A petition was available for signing at the Fall Fair.

       g)  Farm and Food Workers Initiative – Chris and Bob will talk further.

9.  Finances – Rob reported the bank balance:  Main/combined account  $10, 607.19

                                                                              AVTTS                       $4,925.85

                                                                              Food Group                   $778.95

                                                                              Grow Local                   $800.00

                                                                              Food Group Education  $629.99

                                                                              Gleaning                     $3,957.37

                                                                              Shawn Loney Group  $2,668.88

10.  New Business – Bob suggested that engaging grants for children and youth programs

            might attract more younbg people to AVTTS.

11.  The meeting was adjourned at 7 p.m.

                        NEXT MEETING –  OCTOBER 2019  – 6 p.m.  – Char’s Landing