Category Archives: AVTTS puts Somass Lands questions to city

Transition Town is awaiting city responses in the new year to 24 questions on the Somass Lands redevelopment project. The city has promised to respond and answer as many questions as it can at this stage of the project.

Free Owatchet: Questions to the City of Port Alberni

The following submission was read and presented to City council by AVTTS past president Chris Alemany at a Dec. 3, 2024, committee-of-the-whole meeting. Council agreed to instruct city staff to prepare responses to the questions and report back in the new year. Mayor Sharie Minions cautioned , however, that it may not be possible to answer all 24 questions at this stage of the Somass lands redevelopment.

We are a group of concerned citizens and neighbours working together to mitigate and prepare for climate change and to help transition our community to a low-carbon and resilient future.

On Sept. 18, 2024, members of Alberni Valley Transition Town Society, Dry Creek Restoration Group and the community at large came together to discuss the possibilities, challenges and opportunities to Free Owatchet. This would entail a full restoration of the Dry Creek estuary, returning the shoreline to its original location within the bounds of Catalyst Paper Mill, 3rd Ave and Dunbar, and realigning Dry Creek (Owatchet) channel along its natural course.

The general consensus was that, while this would be a large, multi-year, multi-faceted project, it was still achievable (even with the Quay to Quay pathway in place), consistent with the practice of other Vancouver Island municipalities and could provide substantial benefit to Port Alberni.

Free Owatchet/Dry Creek Restoration Group feels the best way to redevelop the Somass/3rd and 4th avenue areas for the benefit of the entire city — including citizens, wildlife and the watershed ecosystem as a whole — is to:

• Restore the shoreline and waterway to as close to its original state as possible.
• Restore the course of Dry Creek (Owatchet) to its estuarine form.
• Restore the entirety of the shoreline and estuary and create a new public space and waterfront park bounded by Dunbar, 3rd Avenue and Catalyst property.
• Concentrate redevelopment, new housing and commercial opportunities on the 3rd Avenue, 4th Avenue, Dunbar, Kingsway, lower Redford, and Harbour Road areas including ensuring there is a mix of low-barrier social housing, affordable housing, market housing, tourist accommodation, commercial and light industrial spaces.

The group has the following questions for the City and requests answers to these in writing, in a public meeting, before Feb. 1, 2025.

1. Has the City considered realigning Dry Creek (Owatchet)?
2. Will details of the letter of intent signed with Matthews West to develop the Somass Lands be made available to the public? When can we expect an update from the City and Matthews West?
3. When will the public’s vision for these lands be considered?
4. According to the current City Council’s vision, who is expected to own the Somass Lands in 2050 (25 years) either generally (public, private) or specifically? If there is a lease or other type of arrangement, please specify.
5. What is the involvement of First Nations? Have they been consulted throughout the process. Please provide the most recent date?
6. What is the City’s insurance liability exposure of the Somass Lands due to flood risk and tsunami danger? Would residential properties on the Somass Lands be insurable?
7. What is the state of planning for other city-owned lands in the estuary (railway and other lands originally purchased from Catalyst)?
8. Does the City plan to purchase any other properties in the area?
9. Has the City considered how the Matthews West redevelopment could lead to redevelopment of 3rd and 4th avenue?
10. How can redevelopment of this land address homelessness, particularly in the 3rd and 4th avenue area, and in the City as a whole?
11. Is social housing a part of any redevelopment plan for this project?
12. How will the Somass Lands and other city-owned lands in the area be addressed in the Official Community Plan?

13. What is the City’s plan for addressing flooding on the Somass Lands and 3rd and 4th avenue corridor?
14. How will the City mitigate the tsunami risk for new or redeveloped areas?
15. Will this area be part of the Flood Plain Bylaw?
16. Dry Creek (Owatchet) was not included in the Somass Watershed Flood Management Plan. Will the City amend the plan to include the impacts of flooding from Dry Creek watershed?
17. Will Matthews West be required to fund an environmental impact assessment for any proposed development on the Somass Lands?
18. What is the current state of site contamination? Does the certificate of compliance require that the land remain undisturbed? What bioremediation would be required for soil removed from the site?
19. What is the plan for the ENEX cardlock fueling facility on Dunbar? Other flood/tsunami-exposed fuel facilities (Chevron, Co-Op) have been removed or relocated.
20. Is there an opportunity to realign existing railway, road rights of way during redevelopment for improved accessibility, connection and circulation?
21. Is the Quay to Quay Pathway now in its permanent alignment or is it intended to be flexible for future development?

22. What would be done to protect Dry Creek (Owatchet) considering its status as coho salmon habitat (and possibly other salmonid species)?
23. Has the City been in contact with DFO on the state of Dry Creek (Owatchet) watershed and plans for redevelopment of the Somass Lands? If so, please provide details.
24. Does the City test water quality in major city water courses (Kitsuksis, Roger, Dry, Ship)? If so, could they be tested? If not, why not?

Minutes of 2021 AGM


Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of the Alberni Valley Transition Town Society

2021 10 20 at Char’s Landing and via Zoom

Attendees: Janis Nairne, John Mayba, Amber Strouder, Jim Wright, Rob Powelson, Mark Dawson, Dan Schubart, George Bowden, Gail Morton, Chris Alemany, Theresa

Discussion of bursary in Edna Cox’s Name

Amount tba

Treasurer to administer through school board

Acknowledgement of Tseshaht/Hupacaasath Territory

Moved Dan seconded Jim agenda approved

Moved Dan, Rob to approve minutes of Sept 2021

Pressident’s report in condensed form

Move Chris sec Dan to receive report

Treasurer Report

Moved Rob, sec Chris

Question on PayPal service charge. Rob explained that diminution of account due to fees is not a problem as deposits are moved to appropriate section of the CCCU account on a regular basis.

Chris will stand, as will Rob,Dan to become secretary

John to be VP, Mark and Gail and Jim Wright as Member at large, all acclaimed

Moved Dan, to adjourn

Moved Dan sec Jim to adopt the agenda for the regular meeting portion.

Upcoming events. In person City Council meeting Do we attend as a delegation? In person?

Two councillors may be willing to speak to our council as to what a climate emergency declaration might mean for our council and our town.

Guy Dauncy Climate Circle training Nov 17. We can spread the word for an invite through Gail

Education…ongoing film/article via facebook, website, YouTube

Food Group Last meeting with a group of young women, talking about direction. Carly resigned, different candidate, Jeanette Sheehy,  wants to re examine orientation. Unclear direction at this point. Lack of direction following the departure of Edna. Chris lauded new faces.

Cycle Alberni (see online) Tenth Avenue update, elimination of left turn lane. ACA and Rob Dickinson braving the storm. Golden age for active transportation projects so get out the ask.

Ocean Friendly…new mentorship arrangement with Sooke Harbour. Meeting just after Fall Fair. Set something up at one of the Winter Craft Fair. Planning for spring and summer events.

Nature club planted 100 trees. Involvement with protecting Burde St. Ponds.Mushroom foray attended by four. Likely to become recurring.

Jim suggests that AVTTS needs to be involved with OCP update.

AVTTS hosting community engagement so as not to be too guided by the contractor.

Moved Dan to adjourn.