Category Archives: Cycle Alberni

AVTT Monthly Meeting – 6PM Sept 18 – MOVIE at 7PM!

(Note this Agenda may change as members communicate additional items before the meeting is started and agenda approved)

AVTT September 18, 2019 – Preliminary Agenda – 6:00PM – Char’s Landing

  1. Acknowledgement of unceded territory – 6:00PM
  2. Greetings and Introductions – 6:05PM
  3. Movie After the Meeting –> The Economics of Happiness, Planet Local.
  4. Approval of Agenda – 6:10PM
  5. Approval of Minutes – 6:15PM (below)
  6. Unfinished Business and Current Topics
    • Fall Fair Feedback
    • Community Mapping project – Meg/John
    • Current phone # of Directors
    • Director Insurance Application
    • Social Planning Council
  7. Upcoming Events – 6:30
    • Global Climate Strike
    • City Port Alberni “Adapting Together” Climate Planning September 30 – 1-4PM at City Hall Committee Room. (See attached sheet) RSVP:
    • City Transit CoW?
  8. Reports and Sub-Groups – 6:35
    • Education and Networking
      • North Island College
      • Sheri Plummer – Climate Talks (see attached poster)
    • Food Group / Food Hub Committee Report
    • Cycle Alberni
    • Housing
    • Watershed Protection
    • Other Groups and Reports
  9. Finances – 6:50
    • Current State of Accounts, Grants and Contracts – Rob
  10. New Business and Other Fun Stuff! –
  11. ADJOURN – 7:00PM

Minutes from June Meeting – Thank you Edna

Alberni Valley Transition Town Society Board Meeting – June 19, 2019


Present: Chris Alemany, Dan Schubart, Rob Powelson, Edna Cox, John Mayba, Mark Dawson, Bob Brown

Chris opened the meeting at 6:05 p.m. and acknowledged that we meet on the unceded territory of the Tseshaht and Hupacasath peoples.

Approval of the agenda: Dan moved, John seconded approval with the addition of one item: Traffic Advisory Committee meeting, June 19. Carried.

Approval of minutes of previous meeting: Edna moved, Rob seconded approval. Carried.

Unfinished Business

Community Mapping Project – no report

Upcoming Events

Canada Day Parade – AVTTS will not participate this year.
Fall Fair, September 5 through 8 – Space in the Glenwood Building has been booked. The Farmers Institute (Lisa Aylard, lead) will be in the Van Iperen Building, where AVTTS Food Hub Committee also intends to have a booth. Meg and Genevieve have attended Fall Fair meetings. An ad hoc committee was formed to plan AVTTS presence at the Fair: Dan, Chris, John ; Food Hub Committee will add another member.

City Committee of the Whole on Transit Services meets July 15, 4 p.m.
For information on the BC Transit survey, go to their website or see this week’s AV News.

Public meeting on Cathedral Grove solutions, June 20, 4 – 8 p.m., at the Friendship Centre

Reports and Sub-Groups

Education and Networking
– Green New Deal – John reported that the May 23rd evening was well attended (55 people) and well received. MP Gord Johns attended. Meg and John have submitted the data; next steps await the report from the national group.

-Rollin Bus Tour organized through Kairos – 27 participants toured forests and forest communities on Vancouver Island and Meares Island, including a full day in Port Alberni which ended in a potluck reception hosted by AVTTS. Good sharing of experiences.

Tonight’s video: “ Little Yellow Boots” , first installment Second installment at next meeting. – Sun Ray Foundation: BC Bills 15 and 52 present roadblocks to farmworkers living on the land.

Food Hub Group
– Minutes were circulated earlier.
– Juicing equipment purchase has been tabled for now. A dedicated Gleaning meeting is anticipated. Twin Cities Brewery is still looking into the licensing regulations for making small-batch cider with gleaned fruit.

– The Food Recovery Key Stakeholders will wait for the completion of their survey before speaking at City Council.

Cycle Alberni
– From the Traffic Advisory Committee’s June 19th meeting: an asphalt “ramp” will be built in the 10th Ave dip to allow for easier access west to Dunbar St – ICBC has funding to do consultant studies
– A small committee, with a Cycle Alberni rep, was suggested to look at options for Stamp Ave
-Guy Ciccon advised doing projects in phases, as funds are available – There were 255 school trips cycled during Bike to Work Week

– John Edmundson is not ready to make a presentation
– John: Electric charging stations at residences can be Level 1, but these are too slow for public places like Harbour Quay, where fast charging is needed.

Rob reported
$13,415.51 total bank balance, comprising
$5,151.52 general
$0.97 food hub
$800.00 Grow Local
$629.99 food hub education
$3978.21 gleaning
$3682.35 Cycle Alberni
$2668.88 Shaun Loney event

New Business

– The Social Planning Council has asked for a meeting with AVTTS to discuss partnering or merging. Consensus: Chris contact Janis Nairne to arrange a meeting of both groups to talk about common ground.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

NEXT MEETING – JULY 17 — 6 p.m – at Char’s Landing

Current Agenda Attachments

February Screening


Join us for a meeting starting at 6:00 p.m. on February 15, 2017 to share ideas on making Port Alberni a more resilient and self-supporting community. New input always welcome, and we hope to broaden our membership to support community participation in initiatives in energy, housing, education, food, health, commerce, or whatever might be your area of interest and prior learning.

Our film this month deals with some of the challenges and choices that confront us in dealing with economic hurdles and environmental degradation as we move deeper into the 21st Century. There is, perhaps, added urgency to our choices with the rise of resistance to science and the accelerating pace of changes going on around us. This is a good chance to bring your sense of this to the fore.