(Note this Agenda may change as members communicate additional items before the meeting is started and agenda approved)
AVTT September 18, 2019 – Preliminary Agenda – 6:00PM – Char’s Landing
- Acknowledgement of unceded territory – 6:00PM
- Greetings and Introductions – 6:05PM
- Movie After the Meeting –> The Economics of Happiness, Planet Local.
- Approval of Agenda – 6:10PM
- Approval of Minutes – 6:15PM (below)
- Unfinished Business and Current Topics
- Fall Fair Feedback
- Community Mapping project – Meg/John
- Current phone # of Directors
- Director Insurance Application
- Social Planning Council
- Upcoming Events – 6:30
- Global Climate Strike
- City Port Alberni “Adapting Together” Climate Planning September 30 – 1-4PM at City Hall Committee Room. (See attached sheet) RSVP: citypa@portalberni.ca
- City Transit CoW?
- Reports and Sub-Groups – 6:35
- Education and Networking
- North Island College
- Sheri Plummer – Climate Talks (see attached poster)
- Food Group / Food Hub Committee Report
- Cycle Alberni
- Housing
- Watershed Protection
- Other Groups and Reports
- Education and Networking
- Finances – 6:50
- Current State of Accounts, Grants and Contracts – Rob
- New Business and Other Fun Stuff! –
- ADJOURN – 7:00PM
Minutes from June Meeting – Thank you Edna
Alberni Valley Transition Town Society Board Meeting – June 19, 2019
Present: Chris Alemany, Dan Schubart, Rob Powelson, Edna Cox, John Mayba, Mark Dawson, Bob Brown
Chris opened the meeting at 6:05 p.m. and acknowledged that we meet on the unceded territory of the Tseshaht and Hupacasath peoples.
Approval of the agenda: Dan moved, John seconded approval with the addition of one item: Traffic Advisory Committee meeting, June 19. Carried.
Approval of minutes of previous meeting: Edna moved, Rob seconded approval. Carried.
Unfinished Business
Community Mapping Project – no report
Upcoming Events
Canada Day Parade – AVTTS will not participate this year.
Fall Fair, September 5 through 8 – Space in the Glenwood Building has been booked. The Farmers Institute (Lisa Aylard, lead) will be in the Van Iperen Building, where AVTTS Food Hub Committee also intends to have a booth. Meg and Genevieve have attended Fall Fair meetings. An ad hoc committee was formed to plan AVTTS presence at the Fair: Dan, Chris, John ; Food Hub Committee will add another member.
City Committee of the Whole on Transit Services meets July 15, 4 p.m.
For information on the BC Transit survey, go to their website or see this week’s AV News.
Public meeting on Cathedral Grove solutions, June 20, 4 – 8 p.m., at the Friendship Centre
Reports and Sub-Groups
Education and Networking
– Green New Deal – John reported that the May 23rd evening was well attended (55 people) and well received. MP Gord Johns attended. Meg and John have submitted the data; next steps await the report from the national group.
-Rollin Bus Tour organized through Kairos – 27 participants toured forests and forest communities on Vancouver Island and Meares Island, including a full day in Port Alberni which ended in a potluck reception hosted by AVTTS. Good sharing of experiences.
Tonight’s video: “ Little Yellow Boots” , first installment Second installment at next meeting. – Sun Ray Foundation: BC Bills 15 and 52 present roadblocks to farmworkers living on the land.
Food Hub Group
– Minutes were circulated earlier.
– Juicing equipment purchase has been tabled for now. A dedicated Gleaning meeting is anticipated. Twin Cities Brewery is still looking into the licensing regulations for making small-batch cider with gleaned fruit.
– The Food Recovery Key Stakeholders will wait for the completion of their survey before speaking at City Council.
Cycle Alberni
– From the Traffic Advisory Committee’s June 19th meeting: an asphalt “ramp” will be built in the 10th Ave dip to allow for easier access west to Dunbar St – ICBC has funding to do consultant studies
– A small committee, with a Cycle Alberni rep, was suggested to look at options for Stamp Ave
-Guy Ciccon advised doing projects in phases, as funds are available – There were 255 school trips cycled during Bike to Work Week
– John Edmundson is not ready to make a presentation
– John: Electric charging stations at residences can be Level 1, but these are too slow for public places like Harbour Quay, where fast charging is needed.
Rob reported
$13,415.51 total bank balance, comprising
$5,151.52 general
$0.97 food hub
$800.00 Grow Local
$629.99 food hub education
$3978.21 gleaning
$3682.35 Cycle Alberni
$2668.88 Shaun Loney event
New Business
– The Social Planning Council has asked for a meeting with AVTTS to discuss partnering or merging. Consensus: Chris contact Janis Nairne to arrange a meeting of both groups to talk about common ground.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:05 p.m.
NEXT MEETING – JULY 17 — 6 p.m – at Char’s Landing
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