Following are the answers given by the candidate. See other candidates
1. What actions have you personally taken to support a more sustainable climate?
I grow my own food and make things from the garden and I use nay food waste as compost. I shop local shops and use reusable bags. I walk to work when I can and am thinking about a electric vehicle instead of a gas powered model . I use less power by using the clothes line and turn off and unplug and any electronics or equipment that is not in use. I draft proof my windows and doors and use candles at night. I use cloth products not paper to clean my house and environmentally safe cleaning products. I buy products that have little or no plastic and I donate $ to non-profits that fight for this planet
2. What opportunities do you see at your municipal/electoral area/school board level to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
At the municipal level I would encourage our schools to build a community garden and compost and teach the students about the impacts of environmental emission and the ways we can reduce waste to have a sustainable climate. I would suggest a green team to organize and problem solve the ways to reduce emissions and encourage them to share their experience and ideas on social media. I would encourage families to use recyclable lunch bags and cut back on paper products by using a white board instead, and donating used items or sell them instead of throwing things out. I would suggest a walk to school week or month and make it safe for children to do so.
3. What will you do, if elected, to overcome polarization in local politics around the challenges of climate change and to build a middle ground that encourages listening, understanding, and consensus that can move climate change action forward?
If I am elected I would encourage environmental advocates to examine a new way to address public policies that would slow down the ever-increasing Gross Domestic Product and find a path that might help bridge the polarized divide. Gus Speth, co-founder of the Natural Resources Defense Council, said
“It is possible to identify a long list of public policies that would slow Growth Domestic Product growth, thus sparing the environment, while simultaneously improving social and individual well-being” (Jaffe, 2018, p. 487).
I will advocate to “bridge the polarized divide” (P. 487) and look for new ways to form alliances with Republican leaders to promote policies that build bipartisan alliances around issues that affect climate change and find common ground to build relationship with these leaders.
4. What opportunities do you see for climate leadership in the following sectors? Please pick at least two.
Transportation, Housing, Land use and Development, Equity.
TRANSPORTATION: – providing better modes of transportation including carpooling, public transit, cycling, and walking while Improving the roads and making these modes easier and safer.
– Promote energy efficiency and conservation through renewable energy (including district energy), green development standards, and electric vehicles. Explore all opportunities before final disposal of waste.
-LAND USE and DEVELOPMENT: – Address impacts related to Natural hazards that affect Land use to achieve the long-term goal of low carbon communities.
-Maintain, restore, and enhance the diversity and connectivity of natural features such as forests and rivers in urban/rural areas for the long-term protection of ecosystems and public health.
– Protect water resources and inform master plans through watershed and sub-watershed planning and consider the risk and vulnerabilities to public infrastructure.
– Identify and protect prime agricultural lands and the economic viability of farming through land use planning.
5. If elected, what would your first action be toward reducing greenhouse gases in your area of responsibility?
If elected I would immediately work on holding the policy makers accountable for the Action plan in on Climate change in BC and rally for policy changes where necessary locally. I will use the “Climate Change Adaption Handbook that helps small Canadian communities prepare and implement a climate change adaptation plan” to look for “key steps that municipal planners and decision makers can take to plan for climate change adaptation and determine what strategic actions need to be taken” (p. 32). and advocate for those steps locally.
Make sure to follow through with updating its planning policy statements and guidelines,
“British Columbia’s Climate Action Plan97 British Columbia released its Climate Action Plan in June 2008. Chapter 5 describes the Province’s vision, strategies and activities as it prepares for climate change. In responding to the increased likelihood of severe weather events, the provincial government is taking action to (1) ensure that new development on flood plains will be flood-proofed to provincial standards, (2) consider the impacts of climate change when awarding provincial infrastructure grants, (3) develop a comprehensive plan for green community development and (4) ensure that community development strategies recognize the importance of streams and rivers. The Province is currently updating its planning policy statements and guidelines, including the Guidelines for Management of Coastal Flood Hazard Land Use. The Guidelines describe new land use tools that local governments may adopt, including sea level rise planning areas and risk-based zoning.98”
6. The climate emergency requires long term thinking and planning. How do you envision a climate sustainable City/Electoral Area/School District, 50 years from now?
I am not a fortune tell nor can I predict the future, but I know there are many opportunities to influence the decrease of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and assist in implementing climate change mitigation and adaptation actions, including through policy development, regulatory practice, community planning, urban design, building design, and environmental stewardship. The collective and collaborative efforts of everyone are essential to build national and community resilience to the impacts of climate change.
Government of Canada (2012). Land use planning tools for local adaption to climate change. Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC). Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada
Jaffe, C. (2018) Melting the Polarization Around Climate Change Politics. The Georgetown Environmental Law Review. Arbortext Advanced Print PublisherMcMahon, B. (2018). Climate Change and Land Use Planning: Climate Brief. Canadian Institute of Planners.