Following are the answers given by the candidate. See other candidates
1. What actions have you personally taken to support a more sustainable climate?
Drive less, walk and cycle more. Recycle and reuse materials, including election signs. As a past Mayor I brought an Active Transportation grant to our city, working towards our first bicycle lanes. I also helped bring in our citys’ first car changing stations.
2. What opportunities do you see at your municipal/electoral area/school board level to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
Changes and improvements to make shared bus transit more feasible, additional charging stations, friendlier and safer cycling and scooter routes, ensure city vehicle fleets are energy friendly.
3. What will you do, if elected, to overcome polarization in local politics around the challenges of climate change and to build a middle ground that encourages listening, understanding, and consensus that can move climate change action forward?
Listen, Educate, communicate.
4. What opportunities do you see for climate leadership in the following sectors? Please pick at least two.
Transportation, Housing, Land use and Development, Equity.
1) Transportation: improved transit scheduling
2) Housing: Urban densification
3) Land Use: Green space creation and sustainability
5. If elected, what would your first action be toward reducing greenhouse gases in your area of responsibility?
Continue with my work on changing a Brownfield to a Greenfield at 10th and Redford. This is a template for other locations as well (3rd and Burde). Additional work will depend on my assigned roles within Council but I will hold my beliefs in environmental responsibility wherever I go.
6. The climate emergency requires long term thinking and planning. How do you envision a climate sustainable City/Electoral Area/School District, 50 years from now?
Ensuring that climate change issues are enshrined in all of our actions and planning.