Hi everyone!
Here’s my notes from Wednesdays regular meeting. If any of the folks who were there have anything to add please do so! 🙂 Post them in the comments here. I will also have a post about the Movie.
AGENDA: Main AVTT Meeting
#1: Meet and Greet new and old Members
Guy, Myron, Rob, Edna, Dan, Chris
Permaculture – Rob:
Large Permaculture course — $1100 person — Saturday/Sunday — 9-til-5 with Saturday Potluck — 6 Weeks course —
Need 6 people minimum – not sure if they’ll get one in town. Works toward a Design Certificate
Small Permaculture 101 – $40-$60 — part fundraiser as well Looking at late April or early May for either of these to happen. Will cross post through the Mt Klitsa Garden Club and Environmental Coalition
7 Cedars Studio in Coombs — can investigate on workshops that they put on.
Public Hearing in Lantzville for Compassion farm— public hearing on Monday the 21st.
Food — Local Food Map – Will contact ACRD directly rather than doing delegation to see if we can get it on… getting close, feedback has been good
Edna will be calling a meeting of the Food Group soon at Bob Collins
– Agricultural Plan will be released soon.
– Once the listing is done then Food Group can perhaps focus on Permaculture with Rob.
Could we encourage the City Works to embrace Perma Culture?
Guy: Picking fruit from un-tended trees in City — make a tree map — make a connection with groups in Victoria — a plan would have to be developed to know what to do with it. Comox organizes individuals to do picking… 1/3 to owner, 1/3 to sally ann, 1/3 to picker.
Edna/Myron/Chris: Shared comments about the meeting that was held on Saturday with BCEAO and CEAA to develop public meeting format for Port Alberni on Raven Coal. In general it was thought to be very successful. Apparently more successful than subsequent meeting with Comox groups.
—- EDAP —- Dan’s report (check out his BLOG POST HERE)
Kinsale and Totnes looked at Plans included historical development of dependancy
Kinsale – fictional, blue sky visioning and filled in middle details
Totnes – was more targeting but didn’t see any specific targets on reductions in energy and CO2
Things that struck him —–
– definitely work to be done on attitude shift
– reducing empire building and duplication
– set timelines for where they want to be and goals
– put together Open Space workshops with stakeholders
Is 20/20 going to get going again?
– Asset mapping Open Space session coming soon through 20/20 vision.
Make the EDAP into a list of goals to be
NEXT MEETING _ April – 20th – At Chars’ Landing 6PM – Water Film at 7PM