My apologies for not getting to this quicker. I gotta remember not to give in to the urge to write notes rather than type them directly… just not very efficient!
Anyway, I will do my best to summarize:
#1 Meet and Greet Members
In Attendance: Chris, Dan, Edna, Myron, Colin, Rob Powelson (new member!)
#2: Permanent Meeting Place
– We met in the basement of Echo Village (the retirement home across from “Echo woods”). It was a nice room, very large, would be great for movie nights and it’s free for AVTT to use. Dan indicated the catch is that we can not pre-book long into the future. That said, he doesn’t anticipate there being a problem getting bookings there when we need to in the future.
– It was also discussed and agreed that we should use the opportunity of us being there in the basement to include residents at the Village in any movie showings that we might have there.
– There was also the possibility discussed of having meetings at Echo Center in one of the smaller rooms. This would be great for visibility but would come at a cost (by donation?). We would receive a preferential rate from the City.
#3: Films
– March – Energy – March 16 at 7PM with AVTT meeting at 6:00 beforehand — we need to have a title ready to show for the Energy film by next week (Feb 20-25)
– April – Water film – April (World Water day is March 22 and Earth Day is April 29)
– May – Food Inc
– June – Findholm (?)
#4: Groups
– Edna for food group reported that the farmers are very excited with the success of the local food initiatives. They are starting to have to expand their capacity to meet demand. Great news!
– Edna and Chris reported on the Local Food Directory. It is starting to come together and is near completion. Will be meeting with the ACRD, City and CHamber shortly to show it to them, get their endorsement and get it up on their website.
– Lots of Food stuff going on, but no specific Food Group meetings being scheduled right now.
Energy group had its first meeting. Made plans for a movie focusing on Energy issues and hoping to draw people in to work on the EDAP.
– From Energy Group Minutes –
– Energy Group will be producing a “one-pager” hand out for folks at the Energy movie event
Other news:
– There will be a door-to-door survey for the ACRD Socio-Economic impact study for the Raven Coal project supported by the AEC.
– Dan passed on the good news that the ALEHS has gotten its official society papers and is moving forward on a business plan. We all wish them great success.
#5: Events:
– Thunder in the Valley – Happens in August – Chris attempted contact with no response. Will try again
– July 1 Canada Day parade. It was discussed that it would be great to have a presence at the parade. We need volunteers in the group to do it. Lots of people already busy with other things. Chris will put it up on the website to see if anyone wants to take it on.
#7: Next Meeting Time/Place
March 16 at Echo with the Movie!