Hey everyone!
The next general meeting of Transition Towns Port Alberni is this Wednesday at 7:30PM at Dan Schubarts place, 5010 Bush St. (up Kitsuksis, over tracks, first left).
Here is the Agenda as I’ve drawn them up.
I unfortunately will have to miss this one due to a scheduling conflict with my day, and now evenings on Wednesdays, job! So I hope you all have fun without me and I expect a full report! :+)
#1: Welcome All new Members (Dan)
#2: When and Where are the Next Meetings? (Dan)
(anything but Wed is good for Chris 🙂 )
#3: Report / Discussion on Food Group happenings (Mike Lewis)
#6: Other Group updates/activity? (Energy – Myron , Awareness/Education – Mike-Dan-Julie)
#4: September 21 Avaaz.org Climate Change event (John Mayba)
#5: Feedback on Movie night and Next Movie Night (what movie, at Abbeyfield?) (Dan)
#6: Need to start talking about formal “Constitution” for Transition Towns in preparation for obtaining Official TT status.
#7: Other Business! (Can there be MORE? :+) )