From Monday, Jan. 20, 2025, 6 pm
Location: 5115 Gordon Avenue in Northport
A special meeting of the board to discuss 2025 activities and strategic planning.
Acknowledge unceded First Nations territory
Approval of meeting agenda Moved, seconded
Approval of previous minutes (no minutes from Dec. 9 meeting).
1. Recordkeeping request (Mike) Jim will be asked to do recordkeeping going forward, Leo will do it for today.
2. Financial and membership reports (from previous meeting) Cycle Alberni: $679, general: $1984.55 (does not include paypal). Loney fund has been officially moved over.
Dry Creek Restoration Group: Letter to Editor re 25 questions to the city on Owatchet/Somass Lands (Mike)
Cycle Alberni (John) GoByBike is Feb 8-15, got a grant for $750. John’s looking for an activity that’s easy and gets people out. There will be a celebration station at Jumping Slug’s new location. The big GoByBike is in May, and John will apply for a larger grant.
NEW: Transition transition (Mike) Mike is trying to get access to the website and Paypal (since resolved).
NEW: Active transportation grant. Action: Robert will look into it.
Collaboration with Vancouver Island Privately Managed Forests Action Group (Jim) Judy will write a letter of support for review after she sees the resolution.
Support for improved regional bus transportation (Jim and Peter) All support this initiative
NEW: Industrial Heritage Centre/Curling Rink solar panel (Chris) no update
NEW: Membership/outreach table at AV Seedy Saturday (Mike). Two volunteers needed, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
Facebook/Meta and social media alternatives including B.C. Social startup (Mike) Action: Mike will send out a link
2025 calendar planning (see Activity Planner)
• All candidates meeting in April. Action: John will contact Jolene at the Chamber of Commerce
• Somass Lands
• Mike is taking this year to slow down and focus on membership, communications, newsletter, and we’ll see what comes up. Possibly an event on regional transportation.
* Long-range strategic planning session (see strategic planning questionnaire)
• Consider adding civil disobedience/direct action to questionnaire.
* The board agreed at its Dec. 9, 2024, meeting to hold a strategic review for the purpose of planning society activities in 2025 and beyond. A questionnaire was distributed among board members and a handful of regular participants to guide the exercise. Results will be distilled into a report for followup discussion.