AVTT June 19, 2019 – Preliminary Agenda – 6:00PM

(Note this Agenda may change as members communicate additional items before the meeting is started and agenda approved)

  1. Acknowledgement of unceded territory – 6:00PM
  2. Greetings and Introductions – 6:05PM
  3. After the Meeting –> The Last Guardians (This was screened in April. Am working up other possibilities.)
  4. Approval of Agenda – 6:10PM
  5. Approval of Minutes – 6:10PM (below)
  6. Unfinished Business and Current Topics
    • Community Mapping project – Meg/John
  7. Upcoming Events – 6:15
    • Canada Day Parade
    • Fall Fair
    • City Committee of the Whole on Transit Service July 15
  8. Reports and Sub-Groups – 6:25
    • Education and Networking
      • Green New Deal Round Table – Report and Next Steps. – John
      • Kairos Bus – Report – John/Attendees
      • Next Week’s Topic
    • Food Group
      • Gleaning Project: Possible Equipment Purchase? – Dan/Rob
      • Partnership with Twin City and/or Shelter Farm – Dan
    • (No word back from publican on what his license allows)
    • Cycle Alberni
    • Housing
      • (Presentation-John Edmundsun?)(John has indicated that he is not ready to do this presentation.)
    • Watershed Protection
    • Other Groups and Reports
  9. Finances – 6:35PM
    • Scanned Report
    • Current State of Accounts, Grants and Contracts – Rob
  10. New Business and Other Fun Stuff! – 6:45PM
    • Social Planning Council – See Description below Minutes.
  11. ADJOURN – 6:55PM

Minutes of AVTTS Board Meeting May 15 2019

Alberni Valley Transition Town Society Board Meeting – May 15, 2019


Present: Dan Schubart (Chair), Mark Dawson, Sam Brownlee, Edna Cox Regrets: Chris Alemany, Rob Powelson
Dan opened the meeting at 6:05 pm.
Greetings and acknowledgement of meeting on First Nations territory.

Canada Green New Deal Round Table – May 23, 7p.m., Char’s Landing Co-hosted by AVTTS and Young Professionals of the Alberni Valley.
An article has appeared in the AV News. A planning meeting was held May 14.

Letter of support for Meg’s Community Mapping project – John wrote the letter; Edna will ensure that Meg gets it and ask her for a precis of the project.

Gleaning – Rob Powelson proposed that AVTTS purchase juicing equipment for $300, the cost and ownership to be shared 50/50 by AVTTS and the Gleaning Project. Research about the need for pasteurization is a priority before making a decision.
Possible partnerships for using fruit:

Dan will talk to Aaron Colyn (Twin City Brewing) about small-run cider and with Wes Hewitt and Guy Langlois (Shelter Farm) about gleaning as a work skills/job generator.

Other possibilities?

Housing – John Edmonson is a potential speaker about alternative housing and permaculture, as is George Koenig on regenerative farming.

Education – Potential speakers: Rob on urban permaculture; Guy on soil health; regenerative agriculture/carbon farming. Several films pending due to licensing matters and cost.

Financial Report – Dan will scan the report and send it out.

Food Group – Minutes of the last meeting were sent out.

Cycle Alberni – Report was circulated within the agenda for this meeting.

News – Terry Deakin has launched a social enterprise business: recycling used mattresses.
Edna will speak with Kat Belisle about a food preservation presentation, postponed earlier.

The meeting was adjourned at 7 pm.

NEXT MEETING: June 19, 2019 – 6 pm – Char’s Landing

Social Planning Council

What is it?

The Alberni Valley Social Planning Council has been in existence since 2009. Our purpose is to foster and enhance a vibrant, caring and healthy Alberni Valley through research, planning and action.

 One of our key goals is to advise member agencies, various levels of government and government agencies as well as the general population on recommended courses of action to meet social needs.

 Our Board of Directors represent a number of organizations, agencies, groups and individuals within the community.

Our members were instrumental in the creation of the Community Investment Program. A representative from the Social Planning Council sits on the selection committee.

Contact Chris, Dan, or Janis Nairne, for a copy of their Constitution.

Minutes of Food Hub Committee Meeting

                                                  AVTTS Food Hub Committee                                                 

                                            Meeting – June 12,  2019 – 4:30 p.m.


Present:  Janis ,  John, Rob,  Genevieve,  Cheryl, Meg,  Edna

                 Chair: John      Recorder:  Edna


   Food Fair and Rib Contest, June 2  (John)

       About 100 people visited the booth. 82 signed the plastic-ban petition. Others completed thecommunity gardens survey.  Meg will compile the survey results for the next meeting.

 Farm 2 School Regional Committee meeting  (Genevieve)

       There was a recap of the past year: good networking accomplished.  Next meeting in Septemberwill set goals and make an action plan. There will be no funding from Farm2 School in the coming year. Maquinna has a school garden; a forum is anticipated to encourageother schools. Alberni Elementary is growing  lavender – and potatoes in tubs with a “SPUDS” grant.  Cheryl will send a “SPUDS” link.

   Agricultural Development Committee meeting, June 11 (Meg)

      Meg has sent out the minutes.  Highlights:  Possible BC gov’t door-opening for Class D slaughter;Effingham Oyster finalizing lease at Port Fish and willing to partner for storage and marketing;

      Heather, ACRD Agricultural Support Worker, may apply for food processing grant;  ACRD willingto form an agriculture-water committee, following request from City Council.

  AV Food Recovery Key Stakeholders   (Genevieve, Edna)

     The group has met four times since the fall workshop days for information sharing, networkingand goal setting.  A small committee has been mandated  to collect data about food recovery and redistribution from all local organizations. The survey is being emailed this week for return by August. Genevieve received an invitation to speak at City Council about this project.

     Edna will ask the AVFR committee about timing.


  NTC Food Fair for Families,  June 13 , 11 am-3pm, Hupacasath House of Gathering (Genevieve,Meg)

   Genevieve, Meg, Zack and Women’s Food and Water Initiative will be there.  Genevieve has designed the display , with a hands-on children’s activity.  Gleaning and potato growing will be the focus.

Parks & Recreation Workshop,  October 19 (John)

   John will present a 3-hour workshop: how to build a grow-box, lasagna gardening and planting tips.

MOTION:  Janis moved, Rob seconded that Meg be appointed as AVTTS Food Hub Committee’srepresentative on the Agricultural Development Committee.  Carried.  The ACRD Board must approve the appointment.

GLEANING  (Cheryl, Genevieve)

Cheryl described her two seasons with the Gleaning Project. Cheryl and Genevieve have drawn up a flow chart, job decriptions and a work plan.  Cheryl is the Gleaning Project Coordinator and has also been is presently the Pick Coordinator, although these tasks need to be taken up by two people.Insurance for this season is in place; the website renewed; promotion will begin soon.

There are lots of trees, but not enough pickers, and a bottleneck develops with distribution. Storage and processing are needed. Cheryl will speak to Effingham Oysters about storage.

Dreams and Wonders: dehydration,  jam-making;  juice pressing without packaging.

  Rethink ? : 1/3 to volunteers; 1/3 to homeowners; 1/3 to charity


The contract was discussed. Our relationship to the West Coast half of the Food Hub was pondered and needs further discussion.  We agreed that the contract would be for three months July 1 – September 30, 2019, with the possibility of renewal.

Edna will send out the edited contract for acceptance by the committee.

Chris Alemany as President will sign for AVTTS.


As per the contract, the focus of each month’s work plan will be decided by the FH Committeeand the Coordinator before the beginning of the month.  For June, the main focus is completingthe contract-end report to Vancouver Island Health Authority.  An end-of-July potluck celebration oflocal food may be July’s focus.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.

Next Meeting: TBA