AVTTS Food Group Meeting – October 13, 2016
4 p.m. at Collins Farm
Present: Marcus (Chair), Janis, John, Heather, Edna, Bob
1. Review of AV Food Security Plan
Edits were discussed and noted. Marcus will send the final draft by Monday.
2 . Grow-Local Program
Food Group agreed to a joint ACRD/AVTTS application to the Grow-Local Program, administered by
the Investment Agriculture Foundation of B.C.
Please refer to Heather’s email and link sent this morning.
3. Community Food Action Initiative (CFAI) contracts
The Food Hub contract with Island Health is expected to be renewed soon.
Marcus and Erika Goldt, coordinator of the West Coast half of our Hub, now have a separate
contract to further the effectiveness of all the Island Hubs: sharing information, grant research, etc.
Clayoquot Biosphere Trust will administer the contract and handle finances.
4. Food Recovery Initiative
Marcus aims to hold a meeting of interested groups, within a month, to discern what the next steps
will be. One question: Should the lead be a third party?
5. P.A. Shelter grant – letter of support
Food Group agreed that Dan be asked to write a letter of support from AVTTS.
6. $750 extra funds from Island Health
Island Health has earmarked these funds for the education/skill-building of Food Hub members:
in our case, for the Food Hub. We may visit other hubs, attend workshops….. Please share your suggestions.
7. Agriculture Development Committee update:
– Islands Agriculture Show: Instead of a farm tour, there will be an all-day, farm-start-up workshop on Thursday
and a (tentative) mixer hosted by the Young Agrarians that evening. A tour of a Tofino oyster farm
is planned for Sunday. Details on the IA Show website may not be up until mid-December.
– 2017 Growers Guide: Black Press is willing to publish; deadline for farmers’ listings is December 15;
deadline for editorials is January 13th.
8. Apple juicing (3-7 pm) and Square Dance (7-10 pm) – October 15 -Cherry Creek Hall
9. View Street Market has asked City Council to permit the sale of backyard-produced honey and eggs.
10. Abattoir Open House – October 27th.
11. Adjournment at 5:30 pm.
NEXT MEETING – Thursday, November 10 – 4 pm – 4727 Pemberton Road (Edna’s house)
8. Square Dance (7 – 10 p.m.) and Apple Juicing (3 – 7 p.m).- October 15- Cherry Creek Hall