Notes and Minutes from August Regular Meeting

Here are the notes from tonights meeting! It was one of our longest! But lots of business to attend to, which is great!

Please if you notice anything in error or would like to add your own take on what was discussed please feel free in the comments!


Present: Myron, Edna, Dana Lyn, George, Colin, Marusha, Dan, Rob, Chris, Charlene, Alexander and Mr. Argyle (the cat).

#1 Marusha blue communities

Council-of-Canadians: Aug 22 – request to Council consider declaring Port Alberni a Blue Community (3rd in Canada, first small).
– Have to adopt 3 resolutions
-water as a human right
-publicly owned water and waste water
-banning sale of bottled water in public events held by the City
– Colin speaks in favour
– Edna mentioned that the Alberni Valley Drinking Water Reference Guide report – (click on Save Our Valley Alliance)
– Think Council is fairly open to the idea and could raise our profile on the bigger stage as a progressive community
– Would like to post the letter submitted to the patransition website –
Moved by Marusha… and seconded (by Dan)
(Motion Carried)

#2 Diandra looking for help for preservation workshop.
Rob: Friendship Center is doing a Preservation 101 workshop. 7PM Tuesday
– Will be whys and hows of preserving
– Local preserves and some nibbles to provide.

– Gardening Plant Propagation : Aug 26 – 7PM $35 — Sept 17-18 (Five spots open) Food Forestry 1000 years of Gardening – Permaculture BC

#3 Food group fall fairbooth volunteer etc.

In the Stevens Buildings – (beside the pigs/lambs/cows building)
Bob Collins — has a soil apprentice who is a circus performer! Will be doing activities with the kids Cool!
Edna has covered all of the shifts for the Booth.

Edna went to Chamber meeting with Agri Minister
– Minister wants to be involved in Port ALberni agriculture.. Edna was impressed with his knowledge/motivation
– Edna asked why BuyBC was dropped — Edna will put notes up on the website about what he said.
– Neil Malbon – mentioned Local Food map as a success – yay AVTTS!

— Get a projector — Local Food Map could be projected plus slideshow or something else?

#4 Ning website ain’t free anymore

Chris payed out $240 to continue yearly subscription to Ning Website. Not feasible for our group so Chris suggests moving to and extending our own blogging/software (already hosting the food map). Will ensure it has most used features of Ning in some form.
George B. would like to help with the website migration and mentioned Google features.

We have a year to complete it before our subscription expires.

#5 Event for sept 24?

Motion Planet

— Colin reminds that Council of Canadians has conflicting presentation by the Regional Director on Passive Protesting
– Ozzies — ask Cyclists about doing another fun bike course like 2009 event.
– Dan will put together something… talk to Ozzies, Sunshine Club, others…. to converge on a common park by different modes.


Dan has posted a link to it on the patransitions website.

Looking for people to help fill out —
Dana Lyn and George and Chris and Myron expressed interest.

#7 Movie night September/Fall

For September –
The Turning Point – A Return To Community++

October 19th
Journey to Planet Earth – Lester Brown

November 16th

– Myron/Dan will send to mail list about Business fair/Trade/TEDish Talk
– George B. would like to do a pie-in-the-sky night to talk about big ideas for Port Alberni energy, run of Somass, Wind, etc.

#8 Treasurers report

We have a bank account now – $635 minus todays meeting fees.

Community Foundation and Credit Union will be asking for applications for grants
Myron – and Marusha – moved that AVTT reimburse Chris for the payment to Ning subsquently withdrawn.

Rob and Marusha – moved that AVTT reimburse Chris for Ning and Society Registration not in lump sum but over time in payments.
(motion carried)

(Thanks everyone, lots of others have contributed their own monies toward AVTT over the past 2 years. Not just me. So this is very special and I am very grateful.)

#9 Next Meetings
Sept 21, Oct 19, Nov 16, Dec 21? open house? Invite community/potluck

December Meeting — Community Potluck with local food. WIll be Tuesday or Wednesday depending on Chars Landing sched.
Open to all, all farmers welcome to provide something. Edna will contact farmers as soon as she has a firm date so that they can plan.

#10 Other business.

6PM this Sunday Local Food Potluck at Knox Presbyterian

– BC Hydro – Smart Meters – will investigate how it can apply to AVTTS

– Gaming Grants –
– short report –

– 7yr old girl who started an organic gardening club

– Make sure we don’t double-book…. Farm Tour and Workshop were both for Sept 17 weekend.
– John and Diane – Can someone step in for them to get the Farm Tour up and running?

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