Category Archives: Groups

AVTT Event – Climate Change in the Alberni Valley – Char’s Landing Feb 22

Forum starts at 7:00PM – Doors Open at 6:30

(Note: No formal AVTT meeting is planned)

Come Listen and Chat with local Scientist Dave Reid and Campaigner Desiree Wallace.

A talk on climate projections and impacts on local weather, stream flow, drought, ecology, and wildfire.


  • Dave Reid – Hydrologist and Geomorphologist
  • Desiree Wallace – Community Building, Campaigner, Documentary Filmmaker and Artist.

February 11 Meeting on Communication

Here is information/notes for members from the small meeting held on Sunday February 11 at QF.

  • Leo chaired the meeting.
  • Present: Leo K (VP), Jim W (D), Rob G (M), Chris A (P), John M (D), Mike Y (D). Regrets: Dan (S), Rob P (T) Kim B (M)
  • The main topic was methods and modes of communication within AVTT and to the community. The purpose of the existing mailing list(s), the use of Matter Most as an organizing/discussion tool.
  • Leo will be drafting a comms policy for the group based around the mailing list being reserved for general announcements/communication/calls to action to the wider membership and public.
  • It was agreed that discussion/back and forth email on the mailing list can discourage or overwhelm newcomers and lead to people tuning out.
  • A new venue for organizing and discussion of immediate topics online would be found, likely to be the Matter Most app/website that Leo has created. So far this has worked well once folks have figured out the technology. A small workshop/training session for folks to learn how to use Matter Most would be good.
  • Communication, Coordination and support of/with Char is critical and Jim W. continues to be the point-person for making sure she is in the loop for all events with timely posters and information for upcoming gathering. It was also discussed and agreed that AVTT needs to negotiate a new higher rate for Char’s rental in line with her request and steadfast support of AVTT.

February Financials

  • Aggregate: $5170.99
  • AVTTS: $777.48
  • Cycle Alberni: $2653.46
  • Alberni Climate Action: $1740.05