AVTT March 20, 2019 Agenda
6:00PM Start
- Acknowledgement of FN unceded territory
- Greetings and Introductions
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes – 6:05PM (attached)
- Unfinished Business and Current Topics
- AVTTS letter to City re: Food Security and Climate Disruption Committee. (presence requested March 25 Council meeting)
- Seedy Saturday
- Transition Health Check
- Upcoming Community Events – 6:10PM
- Community Health Fair
- Fall Fair
- Reports and Sub Groups – 6:15PM
- Food Group (attached)
- Cycle Alberni
- Education and Networking
- West Coast / Tofino TT
- Jack Anderson tonight!
- Other Groups and Reports
- Finances – 6:25PM
- Current State of Accounts
- Ongoing and Future Grants and Contracts
- New Business and Other Fun Stuff! – 6:35PM
- Watershed Advocacy Group (Gauging interest in re-invigoration)
- ADJOURN – 6:55PM
Present: Dan Schubart (Chair), Chris Alemany, Bob Brown, Sam Brownlee, Deb Brummel, Judy Carlson, Edna Cox, Meagan Curtis, Mark Dawson, Jen Fisher-Bradley, Stephen Fisher-Bradley, Laura Humphries, Genevieve Huneault, Brent Knox, John Mayba, Janis Nairne, Rob Powelson, Heather Shobe, Ian Thomas, Mike Youds.
Dan called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. and acknowledged, with thanks, that we meet on the traditional territories of the Tseshaht and Hupacasath peoples. A round-table of introductions and re-introductions followed.
Annual reports from Cycle Alberni and the Food Group (circulated with the agenda) were discussed and accepted.
Election of Officers and Directors
The following officers and directors were elected by acclamation:
- President – Chris Alemany
- Treasurer –Rob Powelson
- Sectretary – Edna Cox
- Directors-at-Large
- Dan Schubart
- John Mayba
- Meagan Curtis
- Mark Dawson
- Sam Brownlee
- Bob Brown
- Jen Fisher-Bradley
Thanks were expressed to Dan Schubart and Sam Brownlee for their years as President and Treasurer respectively.
Transition Health Initiative
This document was sent out with the agenda. Dan offered an opportunity to work through the questionnaire at his home on Saturday, March 2. He will send an email invitation.
Seedy Saturday, March 16
MOTION: Heather moved, Chris seconded that AVTTS, as co-sponsor of Seedy Saturday, cover 50% of the venue cost and assist in ecruiting volunteers. Carried.
Jen distributed posters. A sign-up sheet for volunteers was circulated.
Planning for March 20 meeting
Program possibilites: Jack Anderson (green building, intentional communities) Local builder of first zero-energy house in the Valley
Guy Langlois (maintaining soil fertility) Film Screening
New Business
Cannabis – On February 21st, the Agriculture Advisory Committee recommended that the ACRD reject an application for a variance concerning a cannabis-growing operation on Beaver Creek Road, because it proposes a concrete -based structure which is not allowed under ALR regulations as of July, 2018. The ACRD’s decision is due on February 28; the Agricultural Land Commission will make the final decision.
MOTION: Janis moved, Ian seconded that the AVTTS Board write a letter to the ACRD in support of the AAC’s recommendtion that the variance be denied. Carried.
Climate Disruption and Food Security Committee – We discussed the history and current situation of the Committee. A motion (mover Ian / seconder Dan) regarding its future was tabled until next meeting. The Committee’s reports to City Council can be viewed on the City’s website.
Meagan will draft a letter to City Council in support of the Committee’s continuing as a City committee and requesting the allocation of some staff time, because of the CD&FS’s importance for the community’s future resiliency.
Watershed – Chris expressed concern about the health and protection of the valley’s watershed,
which is mostly privately owned. Island Health’s drinking water regulations may require a filtration plant in the future. Chris is working on public engagement. Edna will share information from and with Vancouver Island Water Watch Coalition.
Maplehurst Trail – Judy spoke about the proposed plan for Woodlot Licence #W1479, which would allow logging of one-third of the Maplehurst Trail. The deadline for comments at mail@econ.ca is March 11.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. , all business concluded.
Next Meeting – March 20, 2019 – at Char’s Landing
AVTTS Food Group Report to AVTTS Board Meeting March 20, 2019
1. AV Food Redistribution Key Stakeholders Meeting #2, March 12, 9 – 11 a.m. at the Train Station
Key Stakeholders: ADSS Breakfast Program, Alberni Community and Women’s Society, AV Gleaning Project, Backpack Program, The Bread of Life, Kuu-us Crisis Line Society, Port Alberni Shelter, Salvation Army, Food Hub Group
Facilitator: Theresa Kingston Recorder: Edna Cox
This meeting had been postponed due to snow on February 12. Discussion focused on the project, already agreed to in principle, to collect data. The purpose is to paint, as completely as possible, a picture of the current local situation, to capture all food recovery and redistribution programs.
A draft list of data to be collected is being circulated in preparation for the next meeting.
Some funds remain from the Loblaws/ACF grant to cover costs of the collection.
Next meeting: April 9, 2019 9 – 11 a.m. at the Train Station
2. Food Hub Group Meeting – March 12
Present: Genevieve Huneault (Food Hub Coordinator), Janis Nairne, Heather Shobe, Edna Cox
Regrets: John Mayba
Food Hub Coordinator’s report:
a. Gleaning Project: Genevieve reported on her meeting with Cheryl Hillman, who is willing to act as Pick Coordinator again this season. Cheryl will provide a one-page monthly summary to Genevieve during the picking season. They have created an organizational chart to aid communication and work-flow. With archived documents as a beginning, a Policy and Procedures Manual will be published by the end of 2019.
b. Tofino Farm and Garden Show, February: Genevieve and Heather helped. Almost $2500 of produce from 9 AV farms was sold. The event was a good promotion for AV agriculture.
c, Farm to School program: Genevieve sits on the regional committee. The garden at Maquinna School is likely to “begin” again this spring.
d. Food Fair For Families, June – Genevieve is working with Helene Dufour, Community Nutritionist, and others.
e. Island Health news – A letter is being sent to DFO re best practices. This is a first policy-setting initiative.
Strategic Plan, 2019-2021
Vision: A Food Secure Alberni Valley: When all people, at all times, have access to nutritious, safe,personally acceptable and culturally appropriate foods, produced in ways that are environmentally sound and socially just.
Mission: The AVTTS Food Group strives to build capacity and awareness about food, food lands, food skills, and food systems through collaborative effort to strengthen food security in the Alberni-Clayoquot region.
Four strategic goals:
1. Local Food Production and Recovery: coordinate, support and provide programs in order to increase local food production and reduce and/or eliminate food waste in the community.
2. Community Education: provide programs, events, and services in order to create community awareness and to build knowledge and capacity in the community.
3. Networking and Relationship Building: develop relationships and collaborate with organizations and individuals with complementary objectives.
4. Administration/ Governance: ensure a strong, vibrant organization with capacity and resources to achieve the vision and mission.
A detailed outline of objectives with initiatives. tasks, time period, responisibilty, resources and outcome measures for each objective follows in the plan.
The Strategic Plan was discussed in relation to the FH Coordinator’s 2019 WorkPlan. We also discussed the foodgroup email list in relation to the Food Group which acts a steering committee/decision-making body.
Please stay tuned.
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