Great Time at Avaaz Event!

We had a great time at the Avaaz event on Monday. We actually got through to the Prime Ministers Office as well as James Lunney and Scott Frasers voicemails. We left some boisterous messages.

We also waived some local fruits and veggies, and lots of Kale, for the cameras.

Here we are!

You can see more pictures here!

And you can see pictures from the other 2000 events around the world here.

Next General Meeting on Wednesday: Agenda

Hey everyone!

The next general meeting of Transition Towns Port Alberni is this Wednesday at 7:30PM at Dan Schubarts place, 5010 Bush St. (up Kitsuksis, over tracks, first left).

Here is the Agenda as I’ve drawn them up.

I unfortunately will have to miss this one due to a scheduling conflict with my day, and now evenings on Wednesdays, job! So I hope you all have fun without me and I expect a full report! :+)


#1: Welcome All new Members (Dan)

#2: When and Where are the Next Meetings? (Dan)

(anything but Wed is good for Chris 🙂 )

#3: Report / Discussion on Food Group happenings (Mike Lewis)

#6: Other Group updates/activity? (Energy – Myron , Awareness/Education – Mike-Dan-Julie)

#4: September 21 Climate Change event (John Mayba)

#5: Feedback on Movie night and Next Movie Night (what movie, at Abbeyfield?) (Dan)

#6: Need to start talking about formal “Constitution” for Transition Towns in preparation for obtaining Official TT status.

#7: Other Business! (Can there be MORE? :+) )