AVTTS February 15 2023 – Regular Meeting 6PM Char’s

Please Renew your memberships! 🙂

Please use the PayPal link on the webpage here or bring $20 (minimum :)) to the meeting.

Regular Meeting

Please send any comments on the Agenda or reports by email through the AVTT List/GoolgeGroup or at patransitions@googlegroups.com or during the meeting.

Click Here to go to the Zoom Meeting.
You can find more Zoom details and other events at Char’s Landing.com

Time: Feburary 15, 2023 – 6:00pm Pacific Time – Duration <=1hr

February 15, 2023 – Regular Meeting

  1. Territorial Acnknowledgent – 6PM
  2. Introductions
  3. Unfinished Business
  4. Upcoming Events
  5. Sub Group Reports
    • Education and Networking
    • Food Security Group
    • Cycle Alberni
    • Ocean Friendly
    • Dry Creek Estuary
  6. Financials
  7. Affiliated Group Reports
    • Alberni Climate Action
    • Waterwatch Coalition – Winding Down
  8. Other Fun Stuff


Aggregate:  $6,892.12

AVTTS: $1,285.61

Cycle Alberni: $3,761.13

Alberni Climate Action: $1,845.38

Education Report:

Synergia MOOC in full swing, no fees, sign up through Synergia Institute. A whole mess of Transitioners in Kamloops are participating as well as others of many descriptions from all over the world (956 participants at last count. Module 2 about to start, Land and Resources

Meanwhile, for your viewing pleasure:

For your reading pleasure:


ACA Report:


  • Council should be commended for recently directing City staff to report back to them on the most recent Municipal Natural Assets Initiative (MNAI).  There are 4/40 places remaining for this year’s cohort and so I have requested a fast-tracking of the process here in Port Alberni.  It is a light lift for the city, at $500 to attend and relatively few hours of work, resulting in a Natural Assets Roadmap which could enable the city to save infrastructure funds in the future with climate change.


  • The great suggestion, at last month’s AVTTS meeting, to brainstorm on climate issues, such as housing in Port Alberni has resulted, thanks to Jim and Charlene, in Green Drinks being set up on a once per month basis at Char’s Landing.  The next Green Drinks discussion is set for Tuesday, Feb. 28 from 4-6 p.m. at Char’s Landing.  This is a great opportunity to discuss concerns and solutions to climate/environmental, just transition issues in a friendly atmosphere.  Charlene has kindly agreed to reserve the last Tuesday of each month for us.


  • Students for Change attended the online Climate Caucus Summit along with a representative from ACA.  We hope to receive feedback from their experience.


  • Reminder of the Old Growth Rally on Feb. 25 in Victoria, meeting at Centennial Square at 12:00 pm. and walking to the Legislature for the rally which is from 1:30 to 3:30.  Thanks to John Mayba for organizing an EV cavalcade.  Please contact John if you wish to join.

Minutes from January 2023 meeting.

Char’s Video!

Minutes of February 15, 2023 Meeting

AVTTS Minutes 2023 02 15

Introductions: Gail, Leo, Étienne, Stephanie, Desirée, Rob, Gail gone by the zoom

Upcoming:  Climate Connect in Nanaimo Mar 7& 8

Mar 4 pruning workshop details to follow

Feb 25 Old Growth Rally in Victoria

Coldest Night also Feb 25

Food Security

ACA Grow Your Own, beans and quinoa, biodynamic

Family Literacy event Feb 4 Soup Packs

Seedy Saturday Feb 11

Anna Lewis coming on board, and is likely to be the outreach for AVFSSS

No report from Cycle Alberni?

John Met with Rob Dickinson, finish this year with suggested intersection modifications, roundabout @ Beaver Creek andRiver Road, $700k for streets/bike infrastructure.

Estuary: meeting and tour with Dickinson at King Tides, measuring water levels. More discussion as OCP progresses.

Read financials.

ACA Report (posted to site)

Leo queried about provincial money grants from surplus.

Just Transition

Reactivating active transportation plan.


Banning Zoom (at least for the foreseeable future)

Conversations about (CCPA) Alternate Federal Budget, and the possibility of doing something similar for the City with an eye to getting the idea of the Just Transition out there for discussion and eventual action. Several hands went up to signify interest.