Following are the answers given by the candidate. See other candidates
1. What actions have you personally taken to support a more sustainable climate?
I drive an electric car. I gave up an opportunity to go birding in Colombia.
2. What opportunities do you see at your municipal/electoral area/school board level to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
Obvious strategies are to electrify the fleet of vehicles, and look for ways to reduce heating and cooling costs.
3. What will you do, if elected, to overcome polarization in local politics around the challenges of climate change and to build a middle ground that encourages listening, understanding, and consensus that can move climate change action forward?
Entrenched views are not reachable by us. So look for those who are on the fence and engage with them.
4. What opportunities do you see for climate leadership in the following sectors? Please pick at least two.
Transportation, Housing, Land use and Development, Equity.
No Response
5. If elected, what would your first action be toward reducing greenhouse gases in your area of responsibility?
I’ll tell you when I know what my area of responsibility is.
6. The climate emergency requires long term thinking and planning. How do you envision a climate sustainable City/Electoral Area/School District, 50 years from now?
So many variables are involved that it is almost impossible to offer a fifty year vision. But I’d like to see more of the agricultural land base used to produce high quality food for the local population, more people living in accommodations that are energy efficient, and made mostly from locally sourced organic materials, and a transportation network capable of moving both people and materials in an energy efficient manner.