Richard Huneault

Following are the answers given by the candidate. See other candidates

1.  What actions have you personally taken to support a more sustainable climate?

I have coordinated a charity effort called Pumpkin Pickup that helps divert food waste from the landfill and be used for the food bank or compost for local farmers. During my campaign, I have upcycled old signs from forner candidates and used free unused paint from the 3rd ave Paint Exchange to put my name on these signs. I don’t buy water bottles and use my own, limit the use of one-time plastics, and lead by example however I can.

2.  What opportunities do you see at your municipal/electoral area/school board level to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?

I feel like community input and involvement is the key to most sustainable efforts and changes. Having the infrastructure to handed recycling and making it easy and convenient for people to use so they don’t just through away or burn curtain waste. Incentives for businesses to contribute and move towards more sustainable practices would make a big impact also. Pilot projects at school and clean-up parties like the one Social Roots did last year near Harbour Quay 

3. What will you do, if elected, to overcome polarization in local politics around the challenges of climate change and to build a middle ground that encourages listening, understanding, and consensus that can move climate change action forward?

I believe the council is a team, working with admin and others is key to success. People need to be open to Listening and hearing before speaking, I am not afraid to change my opinion when I learn something new or hear from an expert. A councilor should be flexible enough to grow and change for the betterment of the community and the people they serve.

4. What opportunities do you see for climate leadership in the following sectors? Please pick at least two.
Transportation, Housing, Land use and Development, Equity.

Transportation is huge, it is one of the biggest contributors to pollution on a small level. Also outside of climate issues, it is integral for the growth of a city and the benefit of its people. If they can not get to the recycling facility or to the amenities they cant use them. Investing in new Tech and better output/efficient tech will help improve these systems. A strong bus system encourages people to use it and not drive single vehicles. Pathways and bike lanes give access to those who don’t have a vehicle and don’t want to use taxis.

 Land Use/Development- We need to protect our green spaces. one of our biggest attractions is the nature and beauty around our city. clean water and clean parks will bring families and businesses to the growing community. As someone who chooses to live here, I can say how much of an impact these forests and bodies of water had on why I choose to live in Port Alberni.

5.  If elected, what would your first action be toward reducing greenhouse gases in your area of responsibility? 

I’m going to be honest. I don’t know. This is my first time running and there is a lot to learn and to get used to if elected. I am prepared to work hard and work towards effective real change, but I have no idea what will be thrown at me in the first months to a year if elected. I’d like to think that I would be able to encourage others to be involved. to vote for zoning changes and developments that were of real benefit to our community while protecting our nature. The indigenous people have been stewards of these lands for thousands of years. Maybe I should listen to them first before I make any promises. 

6.  The climate emergency requires long term thinking and planning.  How do you envision a climate sustainable City/Electoral Area/School District, 50 years from now?

Long term and in a perfect world… I’d love to see more sustainable energies. Businesses and homes run off of sun or tidewater energy. No cars or zero-emission vehicles, fewer roads, and more pathways for bikes and nongas scooter-like vehicles. In 50 years Tech will be so different that things we are so used to now may not exist. Online meetings vs commuting to work. Delivery drivers in big vehicles vs drones and airdrop. The possibilities are endless. Maybe more production within the city so there ain’t as many things being shipped into town. Front yard vegetable gardens or wildflower lawns instead of green grass which wastes water and effect bug and wildlife in a negative way.