Following are the answers given by the candidate. See other candidates
1. What actions have you personally taken to support a more sustainable climate?
Household recycling, planted a vegetable garden, bought a fuel efficient family vehicle, limit trips to town, minimal printing of paperwork, e-mail vs. snail mail.
2. What opportunities do you see at your municipal/electoral area/school board level to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?
More online Zoom and Microsoft Teams meetings rather than face to face at the school board office and for committee or partner group or BC School Trustee Association Provincial Council meetings etc.
3. What will you do, if elected, to overcome polarization in local politics around the challenges of climate change and to build a middle ground that encourages listening, understanding, and consensus that can move climate change action forward?
Speak out at every opportunity to find a middle ground when discussing climate related issues and development. This includes during the City OCP process and other opportunities at City Advisory Planning and Traffic Advisory Committee meetings.
4. What opportunities do you see for climate leadership in the following sectors? Please pick at least two.
Transportation, Housing, Land use and Development, Equity.
City and Regional District to provide leadership on zoning for Carriage/laneway and tiny homes, mobile homes/pana-bode homes etc. developments to provide densification and affordable housing options.
5. If elected, what would your first action be toward reducing greenhouse gases in your area of responsibility?
Lobby for fully accessible online meetings for city and school board committee and partner group interactions.
6. The climate emergency requires long term thinking and planning. How do you envision a climate sustainable City/Electoral Area/School District, 50 years from now?
The City OCP visioning process is a good start that needs further discussion by all partner groups and committees.