AGM starts at 6PM – Movie starts at 7PM
(Note this Agenda may change as members communicate additional items before the meeting is started and agenda approved)
2020 AGM – Agenda – January 15, 2020 6:00PM – Char’s Landing
- Acknowledgement of unceded territory – 6:00PM
- Greetings and Introductions – 6:05PM
- Movie After the Meeting –> Migrant Dreams
- Approval of Agenda – 6:10PM
- Approval of Minutes – 6:15PM (below)
- Annual Reports from Directors/Officers
- Election of Directors/Officers
- Unfinished Business and Current Topics
- Composition of Directors of Board (Professionalizing the Board)
- Strategic Planning
- Upcoming Events – 6:30
- Seedy Saturday, March 21, 2020
- Regular Reports and Sub-Groups – 6:35
- Education and Networking
- Food Group / Food Hub
- Cycle Alberni
- Housing
- Other Groups and Reports
- Finances – 6:50
- Current State of Accounts, Grants and Contracts – Rob
- New Business and Other Fun Stuff!
- ADJOURN – 7:00PM
Minutes from December Regular Meeting
Board Meeting – December 18, 2019 – at Char’s Landing
Present: Chris Alemany, Jacquie Auriat, Sam Brownlee, Debbie Brummel, Edna Cox, Meagan Curtis, Brent Knox, John Mayba, Helen Poon, Rob Powelson, Dan Schubart, Mike Youds
- Chris called the meeting to order at 6 p.m., acknowledging that we meet on the unceded territory
of the Tseshaht and Hupacasath peoples. A welcome and round-the-table introductions were shared.
- Following the meeting, all are invited to the winter and end-of-year celebration potluck and social.
- Dan moved, Sam seconded approval of the agenda. Carried.
- Dan moved, Rob seconded approval of the minutes of the November, 2019 meeting. Carried.
- Unfinished Business and Current Topics:
— Minutes of the December 7th special meeting re City Council liaison were circulated
earlier. Helen Poon was welcomed as Council liaison. Dan noted that it is also incumbent upon AVTTS to approach Council proactively.
— John thanked Helen for her contribution to Cycle Alberni for the new bike maintenance stations.
- Upcoming Events:
— Tree Pruning Workshop, February 22
— Seedy Saturday, March 21 – Jen Fisher-Bradley is taking the lead.
- Report and Sub-groups:
- — Education and Networking – Six films,a re-skilling workshop, and an energy-efficient housing
talk are in the works.
- — Food Group/AV Food Hub – Meg attended the November 28th meeting of BC Farmers
Institutes hosted by the Minister of Agriculture.
Associate memberships ($15) in the Alberni Farmers Institute are now available.
The AFI will met with the Agricultural Land Commission on January 28; location TBA. Gleaning volunteers are needed for 2020 season. Week-day pick times work best.
A new Gleaning Committe is in place. The brochure will be updated. John advised that, as many grants can be made only to a society with registered charitable status, AVTTS could discuss this with the City.
- — Cycle Alberni – Go By Bike Weeks will be held in spring and fall, 2020. A grant of $800 is available to support all-weather biking.
Three bike maintenance stations are being installed.
Chris is representing North Island on the Go By Bike Board.
Annual repainting of bike lanes would be best.
Triple A biking lanes were recommended to City Council by the Food Security and
Climate Change Committee.
- — Housing – A presentation or forum on energy-efficient housing is a possibility.
- — Watershed Protection – Chris reported on the December 13th meeting with MLA Scott Fraser
at his office. Chris, Dan, Edna, Mike Stini, Jane Morden, Ian Thomas attended. See the notes sent earlier. Scott will arrange a meeting of this group with Mosiac management early in the New Year, so concerns about the watershed can be expressed directly.
Meg asked about “right to roam” legislation in reference to Private Managed Forest Lands. Public access has inproved only somewhat since Mosaic took over Island Timberlands and Timberwest.
- — Education and Networking – Six films,a re-skilling workshop, and an energy-efficient housing
8. Finances: Rob reported these balances: Main account
- Main $14,495.48
- AVTTS $4,607.21
- Food Hub $5,547.86
- Grow Local $800.00
- Food Hub Education $496.59
- Gleaning $3,403.37
- Cycle Alberni $897.60
- Shaun Loney $2,668.88
9. New Business: Sam will attend a Fair Vote Canada meeting on January 15th in Courtenay re how to accomplish proportional representation.
Given the latest climate change science, John recommends that AVTTS take a much stronger lead and a renewed approach in helping the community to become aware and to act by
a) Highlighting in the media a monthly Climate Champion, and
b) Beginning a promotional campaign of signs designed by local artists, illustrating and encouraging more cliate-friendly options 10. The meeting was adjourned at 7: 05 p.m.
Alberni Valley Food Hub Committee Meeting – January 8, 2020 – 4p.m. MINUTES
Present: Janis Nairne (chair), Edna Cox (recorder), Rob Powelson Regrets: John Mayba, Meg Curtis
Additions to the Agenda: Upcoming Events – Seedy Sunday, March 22
Minutes of the previous meeting, December 2011, were reviewed.
1. Community gardens :
Rob has perused the 2014 maps which show both “possible available” and “unavailable” City properties. Most available land is forested, far out, industrial, parkland, greenbelt…..i.e. unsuitable. Only the land on Cherry Creek Road behind the mall looks worth pursuing. Advantages: It is on a bus route and near parking lots.
When Meg and Rob met with City staff, they were asked to consider land next to the existing Wallace Street Community Garden. The water connection there appears to be inside a locked shed however; a separate connection for a new garden would be needed. Disadvantage: the land is under the power line. Advantage: The green strip along Wallace extends up to Kendall Street.
Edna will follow up again with Coulson’s about the parking lot on Mar Street between 4th and 5th Avenues, although Rob advises that it is for sale ($498,000).
2. Cannabis by-law, ACRD: A by-law has yet to be passed.
3. Nourish Alberni: Using the remaining grant funds, Corena Lawson is working on the website, Facebook page, updated brochure and poster, whil re-engaging with local food recovery and redistribution stakeholders. An open house to launch Nourish Alberni is planned in February.
4. Schools: Edna will contact all local schools for updates on school gardens and food programs.
$5500 (remainder of 2019-2020 VIHA contract funding) was received November 28, 2019. The contract ends March 31, 2020.
Current balance: $5, 547.86 Food Hub $ 800.00 Grow Local $ 496.46 Education $3, 659.87 Gleaning
Review of 2019-2020 budget (VIHA contract) – Edna will re-send the budget for review; AVFH Committee members, please log your hours and expenditures in each category and submit invoices to Rob. A financial report will be prepared for submission immediately at the end of the contract.
Coming Events:
AV Gleaning Project Committee meeting, January 11
– Rob, Meg and Cheryl Hillman met , and the Gleaning Committe subsequently, in December. Equipment is now stored with the trailer; on hand and in good condition are 3 orchard ladders (10’, 8’ and 6’) —- 3 picking bags —– 5 picking bins
The street-side sign and the brochure need updating and replacemnt.
Rob has drawn up a list of additional equipment to be purchased and is checking costs.
AVTTS AGM, January 15 — Edna will prepare an annual report for the AGM. Island Food Hubs Evaluation video call, January 16 – This is a wind-up check-in for the months-long third-party evaluation of the 10 years of Island Food Hubs initiative, which Edna participated in for AV Food Hub.
Pruning Workshop, February 22 at Burde Street Orchard, 1 p.m. with Connie Kurmoto. Tickets at Evenbrite or via Rob.
Island Hubs Strategic Planning, March 9, Cowichan – Meg as Coordinator will attend. Seedy Sunday, March 22, Char’s Landing – Jen Fisher-Bradley is the lead.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:50 p.m.
Alberni Valley Food Hub Committee Meeting – February 12, 2020
Present: Edna Cox, Meagan Curtis, Helene Dufour, Janis Nairne, Rob Powelson, Kaley Ruel
Regrets: John Mayba, Guy Langlois
School Gardens and Farm To School
Helene, Kaley and Janelle will meet on February 20 with provincial Farm To Schools reps and will ask about possible grant funding, as advised by Guy.
They met today with School District #70 and expect closer cooperation in future.
There was no funding in 2019; phone conversations with Marcus Lobb were continued.
Edna visited local schools and heard that the challenges to starting and retaining school gardens are how to manage watering and picking during summer break; the loss of teacher champions when they move to another school; concerns from school maintenance; and that parents have little time to help.
Suggestions: A neighbour or nearby daycares which are open year-round could be asked to water during summer. Possibilities: E.J. Dunn (neighbour Rob), Alberni Elementary (Stepping Stones). In-classroom growing could be encouraged.
– Edna will speak to Sarah Williams at Maquinna.
– Kaley will speak to Kirsten Abercrombie about possible linking with a new life skills focus at VAST. – BC Eco-Seed Coop offers a grant for seeds. Farmers Institute could supply mulch.
Finances – Rob reported current balances: $2547.86 Food Hub $2200 Food Atlas Gleaning $3669.87 Education $496.59 Grow Local $800 Gleaning
– One 10’ ladder, 2 picking bags and 5 fruit bins will be purchased.
The website is now on the patransitions site. An invitationsof interest for the AVGH committee will be sent out.
Community Gardens – A property for sale is being considered. City staff will have more information within 3-4 weeks.
Agricultural Development Committee – A workshop inviting public comment about Farmers’ Markets is planned for Seedy Saturday, March 21. A hearing on the cannabis by-law is set for
February 18. ACRD Advisory Planning Committee asks, “Why not on industrial, rather than agricultural, land?” The ACRD, ALC and Farmers Institute met January 28 about the rules for cannabis.
Regional Agriculture Support meeting, February 6 – Meg attended.
2019-2020 Budget and Repsonsibilities were reviewed briefly in relation to the Island Health contract deliverables, Food Hub Strategic Plan and CFAI Action Plan. Committee members are to submit invoices for their various assumed and completed tasks by March 31 .
A Food Fair For Youth in May or June is being considered by Helene and Kaley
Coming Events – AVTTS AGM, February 19, 6 p.m., Char’s Landing
– Agricultural Development Committee Meeting, February 18
– Pruning Worshop, February 22, 1 p.m., Burde St Orchard – Seedy Saturday, March 21
– Island Food Hubs Strategic Planning Meeting, March 9 West Coast Farm & Garden Show, March 7-8, TofinoThe Parking Lot (for later meetings)
– Coastal Addendum to the Alberni Valley Agricultural Plan – Erika Goldt, Eat West Coast, will be invited to meet.
Next Meeting – March 11, 4 p.m., 4727 Pemberton Road
$20, 426.71 (Aggregate total)
Funds paid out: $24,386.10
Funds collected: $22,542.90
Interest earned: $1.71
Year End Balance: (December 31, 2019) $16, 786.52
JANUARY 1, 2019 OPENING BALANCE: $594.31 (PayPal Account)
Interest earned: $0.07
Year End Balance: (December 31, 2019) $594.38
AVTTS OPENING BALANCE: (January 1, 2019) $5,848.45
Funds paid out: $6,751.34
Funds collected: $5,510.10
Year End Balance: (December 31, 2019) $4,607.21
FOOD HUB COMMITTEE OPENING BALANCE: (January 1, 2019) $4,779.21
Funds paid out: $6,731.35
Funds collected: $7,500.00
Year End Balance: (December 31, 2019) $5,547.86
GROW LOCAL OPENING BALANCE: (January 1, 2019) $800.00
Funds paid out: $133.40
Funds collected: $0
Year End Balance: $496.59
GLEANING PROJECT OPENING BALANCE: (January 1, 2019) $3,742.21
Funds paid out: $724.74
Funds collected: $652.40
Year End Balance: (December 31, 2019) $3,669.87
CYCLE ALBERNI OPENING BALANCE: (January 1, 2019) $4,087.47
Funds paid out: $10,045.27
Funds collected: $8,880.40
Year End Balance: (December 31, 2019) $2,922.60
SHAWN LONEY GROUP OPENING BALANCE (January 1, 2019) $2,668.88
President’s Report for the 2020 Alberni Valley Transition Town Society
Respectfully submitted by Chris Alemany
Dear Transitioners,
I wrote this report many times over the past few weeks. As a result, I think it is a little. longer than I really wanted so I hope you can bear with me.
Ten Years
This AGM marks the official completion of our 10th year as an entity in the Alberni Valley. It is with great pleasure and pride that we should look amongst ourselves and consider for a moment that we are still here, we are still doing our best to make a difference, and in many ways we have.
Some of the faces have changed over these last 10 years. Some people have drifted away, some have drifted in and away again, some have stayed static, and some are brand new. Some voices we hear at every meeting, or on every email, and some we don’t. Some people have their fingers in every initiative Transition Towns is involved in, and some quietly lend their support to that which interests them without the Society really knowing at all.
The beauty of this movement is it has space for all of those different circumstances and styles. Let us remember that it is this diversity that gives us strength and the imagination to bring solutions to many different kinds of problems.
The Work
Sometime’s it’s easy to forget, or dismiss what is happening around us. So lets take a moment to remember all the work that has been done this year. Here’s an incomplete list of current initiatives just off the top of my head. Please if I leave anything out do add it in.
The Food Group’s many initiatives include the Gleaning Project, the work with the ACRD Agricultural Committee, Liaising with the Farmers Institute, assisting with a project on the history of the Alberni Valley at the Fall Fair, and our continued partnership with Island Health and the Food Hub.
The Cycle Alberni Group contnues to work with the City to improve and implement the Active Transportation Plan, including the most recent initiative around beautification of the Uptown Core. It is a credit to the members of Cycle Alberni that it is well respected and is solicited for comment by the City. The work on Bike to Work Week and Go By Bike Week is critical to the growth of cycling in Port Alberni as well, especially the work with local schools, and I’m personally happy to now be a part of the GO By Bike board of directors to help improve things on a provincial scale and raise Port Alberni’s profile.
On the Education and Networking side, I want to thank Dan for somehow managing to dig up a worthy and interesting movie or presentation for every single meeting. I am not quite sure how you do it, and how you’ve managed to do It so consistently for so many years!
This year we also made a number of connections to other groups around the Island who were looking at forming Transition Town initiatives of their own, or simply looking for ideas or advice about things we are doing in Port Alberni including on the West Coast and in Nanaimo and we also explored a partnership or even merging with the Social Planning Council. We also gained a new member in the form of a representative from Port Alberni City Council.
This speaks to our roots that have grown deep into the community and have spread. We are sought out by others for our experience and our reputation as a responsible, innovative, and energetic society.
This was demonstrated most vividly this year with the Green New Deal event hosted by John Mayba and in partnership with the Young Professionals of the Alberni Valley. We had Gord Johns, our now re-elected Member of Parliament not just attend, but be an active participant.
We also continued our presence at in partnership with other groups at the Community Wellness event, Seedy Saturday, and the Alberni District Fall Fair.
While it is not directly related to any one group, I want to thank Rob and Dan for their work this year to secure a towed trailer that the Society can use for many different events including a new bike storage valet and bike lockup that we will be able to bring to community events in the Valley.
I also want to thank Rob for his carbon credit donation scheme which I have been remiss in making a website to host. Sorry about that Rob, it’s top of my list!
We have also had a few instances this year where Transition Towns has provided some people power to various causes in the community. Many of our members participated in a march from the Forest office to the MLA’s office raising concerns for the preservation of local trails, and advocating for better forest policies, watershed policies and access policies. Our members continue to advocate for Climate Action, and many members showed up for a Friday protest in support of Greta Thunberg’s efforts to get action from government. We also most recently sent letters to our MLA and other Ministers of Government as well as the Premier in relation to the ongoing crisis on Wet’suwet’en land.
The Future
Now let’s talk about the future. This is the part that I have rewritten about twenty times in my head and in this report.
As the impacts of climate change spread over the world, the world is awakening to the true threat that is before it, and not just the world, but our country, our province, and our community are more aware, active and willing to make change, than ever before.
So while 10 years ago, we thought that physical limits of fossil fuel extraction would cause a peak in consumption, today we realize that the only way to stop our ever expanding carbon dioxide and greenhouse gas emissions in time to avoid catastrophic climate change, is by bringing about that peak in fossil fuel consumption ourselves.
So while we might have to update our constitution, to reflect this reality, what doesn’t change is our purpose.
We remain committed to helping our community lower its carbon footprint to zero as soon as possible. We remain committed to doing so in a compassionate and ethical way, and by creating space for all to contribute that goal.
In this coming year, I urge the Society to focus on creation of an Energy Reduction Action Plan for our community. In fact, I would urge that we create a working group and get at least 4 members on it, tonight.
May we continue to be an open space for all to suggest their ideas, and to find support and partnerships for them to be implemented.
It would be easy for us as a Society to look at what we have accomplished and wonder why we haven’t done more. But there is always more to do, so let’s do it.
We won’t fix everything. We won’t solve the crisis all by ourselves. We’ll just do everything that we can do, and see a better community because of it.
Thank you all for the work that you have done this year and every year before. Thank you to our new members, and to our old members for all you do to help the Alberni Valley Transition Town Society be a better part of this community.
Thank you,
Chris Alemany