Notes from “Living on Earth as if we want to stay” with Mike Nickerson, June 24th

(From Edna)
Prior to the “Living on Earth” public evening, five members met with Mike Nickerson to give him a picture of
AVTTS’s beginnings and its focus groups (Food, Housing, Energy, Education so far), our intiatives to date and coming events.
News: 26 people attended the Permaculture 101 evening, organized by Rob Powelson.
: “Food Forestry: Gardening for 1000 Years”, an evening with Richard Walker is possible mid-September. Cost $200. A minimum of 15 participants is needed. Contact Rob Powelson.
: A session on Winter Cropping with Connie Kuramoto is also a possibility.
: AVTTS has a spot in the Canada Day Parade. We will hand out kale seed packets. Shaw Cable will film the seed-packing bee this weekend to air prior to the parade.
: AVTTS Food Group will have a booth at the Fall Fair. Everyone is welcome to help. Last year was fun.
: Next film “The Economics of Happiness” will be shown Wednesday, July 20th, 7 p.m., at Char’s Landing.
Admission by donation to cover costs. Our regular meeting begins at 6 p.m. that evening.

Mike Nickerson then shared his inspiring and wide-ranging insights, humour, stories and research on the challenges of the present, the need for a change in society’s goals and attitudes, and the ways in which human creativity and community can meet the future positively. 17 people took part in the conversation. Among the themes discussed were green investments, co-housing, forming a local land trust, permaculture, the dilemmas of pension fund investment, alternative investment, local currency and barter, how to ensure that everyone in the community can contribute….
Mike’s book “Money, Life and Illusion” will be available later at our next meeting. His website is

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