Gas Station Community Gardens

A-Channel VI Report had a story last night about the Young Professionals of Nanaimo group building planter boxes and setting up a community garden in two old gas station sites in Nanaimo. The boxes have bottoms and are set ontop of tires so as to get them off the ground away from any contamination. What a great way to utilize and beautiful an otherwise ugly site!

It was a perfect example of a group of folks Gettin’ er Done! I’m going to put the idea forward to the Food Group at AVTT their next meeting [URL=””]is Tuesday[/URL]. We would need people who would like to build the boxes and setup the site… someone to donate materials… and some folks to use the community garden and tend it.

Wouldn’t it be great to have something like this on the corner of Redford and 10th!?

Just thought I’d put it out there for the Food Group to chew on. I’ve also mentioned it on and encouraged anyone who would like to be a champion for it to come forward and give it a try.
I put it out there for AVTT’ers to think about. Who would like to step and and run with this one?

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