January 21 AVTTS Meeting

Hi everyone!

We had a very short meeting due to a double booking at Abbeyfield, but it worked out great! We made quick work of the last of the Constitution. You can see the final version of the Constitution in the Constitution group on the left side of the website here.

The next step before we can submit our application to become a BC Society is to select Directors. I will be gathering some information for that in time for the next meeting tentatively scheduled (pending confirmation from Abbeyfield) for Thursday February 18 at 6PM. I will send out notice of the meeting and agenda well in advance so that we are all on the up and up Society wise.

Below are the notes I jotted down for the meeting. Far from complete, but there they are. 🙂


John: Hugh Grist of AV Community Foundation asked if AEC needs money for Richard Hebda presentation.

All: A general discussion about the food committee and the news around the ALR near Walmart

Edna: Youth group… SOVA and Pat Deakin working on mapping trails.

Short plays on water stewardship will be shown in schools and possibly have it done at the Capitol Theatre for the public connected to the AVTTS and Council of Canadians along with a movie night. Possible Films “Thirst” and “Refugees of a Blue Planet”.

Welcome to new members Marek Rozwadowski and Danuta Pascore who have just come to Port Alberni from Australia!

Myron: How should AVTTS deal with the issues of the ALR and the coal project? Much discussion ensued. General early agreement that it should be addressed maybe in an informational way but this will be an item for the next meeting!

Hope to see you all soon!


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